That's the title of a radio program I used to listen to in school in England, sitting on the floor with the rest of Macaulay Street Primary as a BBC announcer told us all about how the fish climbed out of the sea and their fins turned into legs and then there were monkeys, none of which has anything to do with this blog but I'd like to explain where the idea for it came from and I've always liked that title.
It's been twelve years since I "discovered" astrology - not the sun sign stuff you read in newspapers (not that there's anything wrong with that) but the real having your own birth chart drawn up, beginning to understand the meaning of the symbols, looking at your life in light of that knowledge and realizing that yes, Virginia, those balls of gas and rock and ice whizzing around the sun at varying speeds and distances really do have some bearing on life here on earth, much as you'd like to believe that can't possibly be true because of course we're all masters of our own destiny and can do anything and be anything we set our minds to. Yeah, right.
The initial rush that realization caused has long since worn off, but having an inquiring mind, a tendency towards obsession and too much time on my hands, I've been tracking the movement of the planets in the sky ever since, seeing what angles they make to my natal birth chart and recording the corresponding events.
Depending on your point of view, this has left me with either a useless collection of three ring binders stuffed full of astrology charts covered with illegible handwriting, incomprehensible symbols, crossings-out, exclamation points, arrows and underlining, or a valuable research study detailing how in my life the maxim "as above, so below" has worked itself out.
A couple of weeks ago I was telling a friend - as it happens, the friend who introduced me to astrology in the first place - that I'd just read a Mountain Astrologer interview with Robert Hand in which he was asked if he believed in astrology. His answer was he didn't believe in it, he experienced it, and I told her a couple of recent mind-boggling experiences of my own illustrating exactly that (See What I Told My Friend).
You have to do a blog, she said, and that's how things began.
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