02 May, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Sun...

... and also the day Saturn squared the Midheaven exactly; not that I obsess or anything, but as the Saturn aspect perfected I was emailing the tax assessor in Grant County telling him I was protesting the value that's been put on the acreage around the Silver house and he was replying telling me he excepted my protest even though I wasn't using the formal method.

I countered (yet another negotiation) by pointing out that as the official document online was a PDF I couldn't meet the two-hours-to-go protest deadline without printing it, filling it in, scanning it and faxing it back, which, without a scanner or fax, was a little difficult - nothing like carefully thought out planning and strategy when beginning to fight City Hall, I always say - and, pulling the ace from my virtual sleeve, which I think is the correct metaphor although as I always have trouble telling the difference between spades and clubs I may be wrong, I also pointed out that one of the helpful staff in his office had told me an email would do the trick just fine, to continue with what may well be an inappropriate figure of speech.

Whatever it was, it worked, and thanks to the urgings of a knowledgeable friend in Silver who knows only too well who he is and who is opening his own can of worms with the Assessor's office, my protest has been duly lodged and acknowledged - the battle of my choice as the Lord of Karma pits himself against what is laughingly known as my public life. And they say there's no free will.

In further developments, exactly an hour after Mercury conjuncted my Sun a somewhat-stunned Me handed over a MacBook Air to a genius at the Apple Store in Chestnut Hill and was told I would probably get it back by Saturday. The good news was no connection seemed to be made between the four-year-old sitting three feet away playing a Sponge Bob Square Pants game on an iPad at the kids' table and the ever-growing splodges of blue ink appearing on the screen of said MacBook Air. They may call them geniuses....

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