Last post on here was March 30th, the day before I went to Spain, and now that I've been back a week and done basically nothing (hey, I was sick) my Sun sextiles Saturn for me and I've balanced two checkbooks, transferred money from savings (IRA money), organized my undies and stuff back in the bureau after clearing space for the couple who lived here and took care of Sweet Pea for me and finally made it to the bank to order more Euros to send to my sister as a birthday present for her to get the seven feral cats she's feeding spayed and dad neutered, if she can catch him. There were seven kittens by the time I left so this is a very useful Saturn in Virgo gift.
It's not that I've really been doing nothing since I got back. The morning after I returned I went to a rehearsal at the Senior Center for the show they (well, me as well) were putting on the next day and found myself roped in to more than I expected. Can you sing, I was asked, and before I could say no, my questioner sang the first line from Here we go Again, to which I promptly responded "I hear those trumpets blow again" and was told "You're in", translated as you will jig backwards and forwards with six other people at the beginning of the show and sing "Here we go again, we're puttin' on a show again, here we go again, taking a chance on you," and on the last line point out into the audience at some poor unsuspecting soul, smile broadly and wait for the applause.
It all went vaguely as planned on the day, more or less, all things considered, with all of us on book peering at little pieces of paper and losing our place periodically or reading another person's line, all par for the course and generously overlooked by the audience. Rehearsal and the show took up most of the day. I had plans for dinner that night and woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat, watery eyes and runny nose, and without too much exaggeration slept for the next four days.
In less than a week I have to go back to Silver so I need to sort out paperwork and clothes and go through that charade again, so I feel extra grateful to Saturn for giving me a hand today. What I'll feel next year when I get the first Saturn square after buying the house in 2002 is something else again, but you don't have to be an alcoholic to have one day at a time as your MO.