30 May, 2009

Mars conjunct Venus...

...and Sun conjunct Uranus, both perfecting at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Quite an easy call, really; Sun (me) conjunct Uranus (the unusual) - i.e., me NOT transcribing for a day - and Mars (action) conjunct Venus (in Aries natally, in Taurus by progression for the past seven years, land, earth, growing things) - and I get to spend the whole day outside digging up more of the lilac bush and transplanting it all around the house, attempting to weed the cactus garden but giving up, digging up many of the little agave shoots coming up in the cactus garden, putting some of them in a bucket to take to Tom and Brenda's tonight and planting the others at the back of the Bermuda Triangle as you come up to the house, bliss, total bliss, really, and nothing else to say about it.

When I saw my sister in Spain last month I asked her if she knew the poem beginning "The kiss of the sun for pardon." She didn't, and I told her the rest of it - "The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth."

I thought it was anon but I saw a poster of it at a yard sale in Silva a couple of weeks ago and it was credited to someone whose name begins with a H. It was on sale for ten cents and being the big spender that I am, I bought it and sent it off to my sister. Haven't heard yet that she got it, but that's not surprising, and there's a return address on it so it will come back to me.

The Sun conjunct Uranus thing - I suppose I could go to Tom and Brenda's tonight and do a belly dance or get in an argument with someone - or, or - Michael Lutin always says if it's Uranus and you think you can predict it, you can't because it's Uranus. I suppose by tomorrow morning I'll know, but having a day off work works for me.

25 May, 2009

Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron...

...square the Ascendant and sextile Mercury. I think. The sextile to Mercury hasn't happened yet (Jupiter will be the winner next Sunday - is that why I'm suddenly back to blogging, or is it because Mars will conjunct Mercury in a couple of days?) and I have a feeling this is more to do with Uranus at the midpoint of the Midheaven and the Ascendant, but whatever it is, I'm suddenly getting emails from people I haven't been in touch with for years (and some I have) who are asking me to be their friend on Facebook and/or LinkedIn, and as I'm not on either site I'm not sure what to do. I don't even have email addresses for a couple of the requesters (?) but as I'm getting email reminders, this is something I need to pay a little bit more attention to.

They all happened within two weeks of each other. (Actually there are only four, but I think that's enough for a trend.) First was completely out of the blue, from a woman who rented the addition in Silva when there was no heat, no flooring, no a lot of other things, never ever complained about anything and endeared herself to me for ever because of that.

But other than my forwarding on to her Christmas cards - always in April or May when I came back out to Silva - we haven't been in touch very much, apart from an announcement recently from her that she was engaged. I responded by congratulating her and next thing I knew I was being invited to be on LinkedIn.

Then John's sponsor when he first went into (joined?) AA asked me to be a friend on Facebook, as did my very oldest friend in the U.S. (someone who asked me what did I think the Internet was good for when I raved about the coffee pot at whatever college it was in Cambridge in 1993) and a friend I've made out here in Silva, the curmudgeon of all curmudgeons on the surface but as I quickly learned, the curmudgeon with a heart of gold.

So do I have to join Facebook and LinkedIn? Or do I attempt to hold on to my (!) Twelfth house Sun that just moved into the Second by progression and continue to write this unread blog? More will be revealed.

23 May, 2009

Venus conjunct Sun

Most interesting thing about this was that last November, when Venus was on my Midheaven (I really don't like saying that, MY midheaven. It's like saying MY dentist or MY doctor, as though they have no other patients or clients, although I suppose saying MY midheaven is a bit different . (God, what must it be like to be able to make a statement and not then immediately feel the need to qualify it? Obviously something I know nothing about.) )

ANYway, last November when Venus was on my Midheaven I got an email from someone wanting to rent the addition to the house in Silver for the weekend of Silver City's Blues Festival, always held over the Memorial Day weekend. (Several years ago I had posted on the Blues Festival site as having space to rent and then forgotten all about it.) For two days or so we fired emails back and forth and it was agreed that he could indeed rent the addition for the three days for $50 a night. We were on the same wavelength and I loved that his subject line was always part of his first sentence - "I heard you have" in the subject and then the message beginning " a space to rent." As John always says, I am easily amused, but hey, I'm on my own a lot out here and it was more excitement than I usually have waiting for Mail to give me a ping while I was transcribing. It is definitely different here.

But Venus moved off the Midheaven (that's one solution - "the") and into ten - nothing particularly wonderful I can remember about THAT but I'm not doing this religiously - our emails tailed off - stopped abruptly, actually when Venus got two degrees away - and while I didn't forget I was booked for Memorial Day, my renter and I had no contact, I went to New York, stayed for four months, came back, fell in a heap as I usually do when I get here and a couple of weeks before Memorial Day emailed booked tenant to make sure he was really coming.

He was. When I looked at the ephemeris, I realized he was arriving the day before Venus conjuncted my (there it is again) Sun. For one brief and insane moment - I do have natal Venus in Aries - I wondered it there was a possible potential could-it-happen-again relationship "thing" going on here, but came to my senses when an astrology friend pointed out it might well mean we would end up friends.

And that is very probably what will happen. He arrived, was happy with his space, presumably slept well and the next day went off to the Blues Festival while I spent a blissful eight-hour day outside - code for gardening - making the enclosed space behind the back patio larger by putting in an insert of chicken wire, dragging logs around, sowing cornflower seeds, digging up the giant lilac in the front of the house and transplanting it all around so there will be something green growing up by the side of the house, pruning all the dead leaves off whatever is coming back to life and attempting to transplant some of the English ivy except I couldn't find a piece with roots.

And that was my Venus (progressed to Taurus seven years ago when John and I bought this house) to the Sun. Astrology ten, humans one. Again.

19 May, 2009

My Poor Neglected Blog

I last posted on April 24th? It's not as though it matters as nobody reads this, but still, I'd like to be doing it for myself, obviously not enough to actually be doing it but still...

Is it Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter all either squaring the ascendant or sextiling Mercury, or is that horrible natal twelfth house Sun that I'm stuck with for ever working against me and undoing all my efforts? What efforts, you might ask, or I might, as I'm the only one aware of them.

Well, the efforts to make myself write and put something up here every day, which at the moment seems laughable as I'm back in Silver in a 1,600 square foot house to keep clean and a "garden" I'm trying to bring back to life after it having not been watered for months. And the temperature here is 80 every day with a humidity level of five percent, and instead of taking my one little supermarket bag of garbage down to the hallway every day, I've just dragged a trash container on wheels and carried six large black trash bags down to the Private Drive Keep Out sign so Roadrunner Disposal can pick them up in the morning, and then I get to drag the trash container on wheels back up to the house and stock up on another two weeks of garbage till it's time for Roadrunner to come again.

And the point of all this? None, really, except that if I don't begin to put something up here every day then - well, I don't really know what then, except I don't keep a hand-written astrology journal any more so if I don't do this I won't have any record of how I'm experiencing daily astrological transits, and I've already not written about three weeks' worth of them. Maybe with Saturn finally direct again (while, of course, Mercury is retrograde) I'll be able to get myself back to this record, Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter notwithstanding.