22 February, 2009

Saturn Conjunct Jupiter

Kind of a biggie, I suppose. The most I seem to have been able to do is begin to rewrite a preface I'm supposed to be writing for a special edition of Soldiering On, the better - i.e. more considered - of the two plays I wrote about 9/11. I've also done a lot of throwing out of stuff from the apartment and tried to make myself come to terms with having to sell the house in New Mexico. I've also realized - today, when the aspect was exact - that the Pea must have ringworm, just like me.

The patch on my upper right arm has been disappearing slowly since I started with the Lotrimin three (?) weeks ago, and truly, it never occurred to me that the Pea would get it.. He's a domestic long hair, loves to be brushed now that it's one of the highlights of his day as he can't go outside, and it was only this morning as he was lying on top of the table, waiting for grooming time, that I realized he was looking very normal and like an "ordinary" short hair. The hairs on top of his head were like any other cat's - his head was a normal sized cat head, no halo of fluffy grey hair sticking up over his ears, no fuzzy long ruff around his neck, nothing to distinguish him from any other short-haired cat.

THIS is the manifestation of Saturn conjunct Jupiter? Ringworm in my cat as well as me? Responsibility when it comes to small animals? (Jupiter in Virgo almost in six?) Whatever it is, I realized today the Pea probably has ringworm and has to go to a vet tomorrow. Was hoping I could put it off till I was on another credit card statement, but I guess not.

17 February, 2009

Jupiter Trine Uranus

Well if it takes this to get me to do my Spanish homework more than an hour before the start of class, I don't think I'll be saying too much in Spain in April except "Me llama Pamela." I mean, I know I'm leading a very little life at the moment, but still, you'd think something a bit more exciting than this would manifest. I would, anyway, especially with Mars also trine Uranus this afternoon. But when I think about it, it's perfect - Jupiter (foreign lands) trine Uranus (unusual) and I actually make an early start on Spanish homework.

There was certainly a bit of split-second timing to the day. I went to the library when I'd finished working ( a Uranus (computer) nightmare) to see if I could get any more Denise Pima books, a mystery author I've just discovered and like a lot. The library happens to have a downstairs book store selling donated books and library cast-offs, and there was a big sign saying "Mysteries Half Price." This seemed like an opportunity to behave like a good American and keep my green card in good standing so I went down and lo and behold, they had both the titles I was looking for for two dollars each instead of four.

Emboldened by this success, I asked if they had Barbara Pym's autobiography, 'A Very Private Eye.' I never liked her books, but was all prepared to throw caution to the winds and squander another two dollars if they had it. The biography man did a double take when I asked him. "It just came in!' he said. 'That's amazing, someone else asked for something today and that had just come in! Do you know how often that happens?' I didn't, but his enthusiasm was enough to let me know it wasn't very often.

"Now where is it?" he said. "I just had it in my hand." He looked through all the books he was shelving in the back, then decided he must have put it out on the shelves already. "Follow me!" he said, and I trotted off after him and we both looked through all the Ps on the biography shelf. Nothing. Back to the back room, more "I just had it in my hands," (something I find myself saying about ten times a day now that I'm in my dotage), one more trip out to the big room, back to the newly donated books again and aha! He found it, except it was a biography and not the auto-biography I was looking for.

Never mind. He was agreeable, helpful, knowledgeable (he told me about a couple of other Pymmy authors), obviously loves books and said he'd keep an eye out for Private and to stop by again when I'm in the neighborhood. So now when I've finished as much of my homework as I can stand to do I can get in my little beddie with an unread-by-me Denise Pima and bliss myself out for five minutes before I fall asleep. !(pretend that's upside down) Que suerte!

12 February, 2009

Hard to Isolate This One

Well, Saturn's coming to Jupiter next week, Mars is coming to oppose Pluto in the next few days, Venus trines Pluto and the Sun squares the Ascendant tomorrow, and when I went to line dancing at the senior center this morning it wasn't cancelled. By eleven a.m. I was in a chorus line of 15 or so 60- to 80-year-olds doing high kicks to New York New York and in my case, looking out the window on to the FDR Drive and the East River and Randall's Island wondering if this was following my north node in Cancer in three so that as Michael Lutin says, everything will come to me.

Not true. I wasn't thinking about anything in that chorus line because I was completely and totally in the moment, arms interlocked with a complete stranger on each side of me and doing my best to follow Vera, our 75?-year-old leader in the middle of the line, as, loud and clear and looking over her shoulder to make sure we were all following, she told us all what to do next.

Really and truly, it was only when class was over and I was turning on to First Avenue from 93rd Street that I remembered all the north node stuff. WIth natal north node in the third house, supposedly one of the ways for me to go towards the future and fulfillment here on earth(!) - something like that, anyway - is community involvement, which I've studiously shied away from all my life until last summer in Silver and now here at Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center.

With Saturn less than ten degrees away from the node, you'd expect the people it brings me into contact with to be old, and God knows that's proving to be true. Joining age in Silver for the senior center is 50, whereas here in New York it's 60, and I'd bet my life at least five of the women in this morning's line-up were close to 80 one side or the other.

And, of course, another third house interpretation is communication. Hmmm. How do you tell if you feel fulfilled?

03 February, 2009

Mercury goes Direct

So Mercury goes direct on Sunday and on Monday I decide to set up the computer I had shipped from Silver that's been sitting on a table in the living room ever since. It's a 20" Intel iMac and a thing of beauty, but as it wasn't connected to the Internet I'd been using my old G4 eMac instead. I have a wireless broadband connection in Silver and use Airport, so thought I'd have to install DSL connection software on the iMac.

When I'd inserted the very old Earthlink disk I have, it had been unreadable, so I'd called Earthlink and asked for DSL connection software for an Intel Mac. That came sometime in the middle of January, but I'd not felt remotely compelled to deal with it. I don't know if it was Mercury going direct or me suddenly realizing I'd been here three weeks and hadn't used the computer I spent $45 dollars shipping here and would have to spend $45 to get it back when I go back in May. Whatever it was, I loaded the new connection software and found out it was a Windows disk.

Earthlink has a live chat help system, and I got passed from one "specialist" to another, ending up with number three who told me there was no Total Access software for Intel Macs. Visions of my $90 going down a drainpipe dancing in my head, I asked if that meant I wouldn't be able to get online with the 20". "Oh no," he typed. "You don't need any software, just connect the modem." My usual trusting self, I asked if he could give me his phone number so I could call him directly if that didn't work, but he breezily told me it would and to go ahead and do it.

It did work, immediately, without having to put in any new settings other than un-checking Airport and checking Internal Ethernet. So now the clunky old G4 is on the table in the living room and the beautiful 20" iMac in its place in the whatever this room is - the room in between the kitchen and the bedroom. And, of course, I could have been online the day I took the iMac out of the box, while Mercury was retrograde - except I couldn't because I wasn't. All very chicken and egg.

Mars Trine Chiron

This was supposed to make me very energetic and self-assured and give me the chance to act out of character and be met with acceptance. It's been in the works for a few days and I wouldn't say I've been doing anything out of the ordinary. I did go for a walk along the river today but that had more to do with it being 51 degrees instead of 20 than with me feeling especially energetic.

There was definitely a Chironic feel to the day, though, as the woman I work for pointed out a couple of glaring mistakes I had made - or rather, glaring mistakes that I missed and didn't correct - when I proofread a job. It still gives me a pang - less so now than ever before, but still - when my imperfections are pointed out. It's definitely an ongoing Chironic wound - Chiron in Virgo in Six, thank you very much, and one that won't get resolved as long as I do the kind of work I do as it's almost a given I shall continue to make mistakes.

Spanish class tonight I think was the real acting out of character, thank you God thank you Jesus. Last week I got there late as I'd been given an incorrect start time, and was able to hide out in the back row (Natal twelfth house Sun). This week I also got there late as the shuttle from Grand Central to Times Square was on a two rather than three train schedule , so whenever a train did come in, the platform was already ten deep in people. I scuttled around from platform to platform, trying to get near the front when a train did arrive, but once again I was fifteen minutes late when I got to class. The seat I'd been in last week was taken and the only available seat was in the very front of the room. Without hesitation, just as though I had a first house Sun in Leo, I made for the seat, said "Lo siento, el metro," and happily sesented myself.

I usually go bright red if I ever have to speak out in a group, but that's something else that's passing, as well as not wanting to commit hari-kari if I'm told I've made a mistake. The class is Aquarius epitomized and we were all more relaxed than last week, as it's clear the instructors would rather you said something completely incorrect than sit there terrified to open your mouth. We went through an exhaustive vocabulary list and had to say whether el or la was the correct article, and then got divided up into groups with a designated drawer and played Pictionary with much general hilarity and laughter.

When it came time to volunteer to "do" what last week's homework was - say a few sentences in Spanish about a prepared topic - I was one of the few to volunteer and didn't go red until I got applause and laughter (for the right reason) when I'd finished. Got home to an email from my boss saying we can "talk about" my errant ways and so - pale-faced again and Lotrimined - to bed.

02 February, 2009

Progressed Sun into Second House

It would be lovely if this meant shitloads of moolah fell into my lap immediately, but it happened yesterday, Sunday, and so far there's not a sign of any stray hundred dollar bills floating around. Of course, I don't expect for one second that that's going to be the manifestation (although it would be really really nice) - I have a sinking feeling that if I do have to sell the house in the next couple of years I'm going to realize just how much I really love it.

Progressed Sun changing signs or houses is supposed to be really really big, I know that. There was a progressed new Moon a degree off the cusp of my second house last year and other than what's left of my IRA losing 50% of its value since then, I haven't noticed anything ha ha. So the Moon has been in the second house for a year, which I suppose helps to explain the fluctuations in my income, and now I can look forward to Progressed Moon coming to conjunct Natal Saturn in a month or so, and then chug along with the Lord of Karma for seven months or so while it catches up to his progressed degree.

As at around the same time transiting Pluto comes to oppose Natal Saturn and square Natal Neptune, it's all going to be so exciting I can hardly stand it. I refuse to look in the ephemeris again, but I'm pretty sure that while Pluto and Saturn dance around each other, transiting Saturn lands on Natal Neptune and squares itself. And we bought the house in 2002, seven years ago. More will be revealed, and in the meantime I need to go and put more Lotrimin on my ringworm.