15 March, 2013

So What Do I Do With This Poor Thing?

Keep coming back and posting something stupid once in a while, I suppose, and hope that if an earthling reads it he or she will realize the place to be now is the new 'un.

15 February, 2013

Please Don't Read This

Read this! I'm getting very tired of telling you.

08 February, 2013

No No No Don't Read This

Go and read the new 'un which is where all the action is.

05 February, 2013

Moon in the Seventh

As I say in the post in MY NEW BLOG, it's a bit anal even for me to be tracking movements of the Moon, but I was able to extract a pretty good manifestation of the title subject.

To get the full story (!), however you will have to go THE NEW BLOG THAT I STARTED THIS YEAR that I seem to be the only one that's reading it pardon my syntax.

04 February, 2013

38 Views Yesterday, None Today

Am afraid to go and look at how few people have looked at the new blog (that's a link) today, or yesterday or the day before yesterday or the day before that, but shall have to conquer my fear as I seem to have come to life again and have something to post.

01 February, 2013

27 January, 2013

Fame, Continued

The compliments to my writing, intelligent thoughts, way of expressing myself and most especially my embedded videos just keep on coming, so tomorrow I am planning on posting a recipe for banana splits just to see what comments IT gets.

Meanwhile, all the good stuff this year continues to get posted, at the moment very irregularly but that's why I called it nearly-everyday-astrology, to my new blog.

(Have just found this in drafts, should anyone have found and be confused about references to banana splits I may have made recently.)

Decisions Decisions

So do I just let this poor old thing die and concentrate only on the new 'un - an amusing conceit, actually, as I've done nothing to either for the past several days except post an image of a sloth on the other one - or do I keep adding idiotic comments like this one to this one so anonymous can keep leaving idiotic comments like the one he just left saying he was going to tell his little brother to start to read it because of the wisdom it contains?

You tell me.

23 January, 2013

Fame at Last, Repeated

>>>>>>>>>>>>What a information of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious experience regarding unpredicted feelings

You too could be getting constructive praise just like the above if you had a blog and just kept on posting every single day, week after week, month after month, year after.....

Before you begin, for even more information of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious experience regarding unpredicted feelings, go to the new blog, where it's all happening.

21 January, 2013

Fame at Last

Funny that now I no longer write anything here (or anywhere else, for that matter, but that's another story) I'm finally getting picked up by the spiders and have fake comments left pretty regularly. (Well, two in one week.)

Of course, the real non-writing is being not done on nearly-everyday-astrology, ignored by all, including me, ha ha.

15 January, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Midheaven Trine Ascendant

Just posted this on the new 'un, so if you want to read about it, that's where you gotta go.

14 January, 2013

Sun Conjunct Midheaven Trine Ascendant

The only person in power I had contact with today was the woman who answers the phone at the propane company, and as far as exerting my will upon the world, I asked if I could have 75 gallons in the small tank and 50 in the big please.

Then when the delivery man came I drew the curtains over the french windows so he wouldn't see me lying on the couch with Ginger watching videos on the laptop.

As for wanting to learn more about the world around me, about as far as I got with that was asking what the price per gallon was and checking Accuweather every hour on the hour to see if I can ever go out again. Right now it's 19 with a *realfeel* of four.

11 January, 2013

Read All About It

No point in even bothering to do a *real* post or duplicate what I write on nearlyeveryday, but here's yet another link to the new 'un.

08 January, 2013

Mars Trine Uranus

So far I seem to be the only person reading my new blog, and in spite of having told blogspot not to count my own page views, I'm showing up in stats as being a traffic source for both.

Anyway, if you have any interest in an account of My Day at the Dump, you know where to go.

07 January, 2013

Venus in the Eighth

This might be a  bit of a stretch, but the 2013 Resource Guide from the Dramatists Guild was in the mailbox on Saturday (Venus, arts, shared resources, eighth house, yes?), and there's no stretch at all about the return of the deposit for the car port I ordered and then cancelled  - $80 cash handed over on the same day.

06 January, 2013

Uranus Square Saturn

This has been in effect for a while, of course - a couple of years - and has probably been a minor factor in some of the irreversible changes that have taken place in my life during that time ha ha.

The third and final exact pass was midmorning yesterday, when, as is now usual in this first winter I've spent in Silver for several years, I was in bed with Ginger and this MacBook Air - the current loves of my life - pretending to write a play and playing Lexulous  with my warmer-weather tennis partner.

 Go to nearly-everyday-astrology to read the rest of this post. 

05 January, 2013

Mars Opposed to Pluto

I had an inkling something was going on here as on Thursday there was a message on the machine from the title company Bank of America has chosen to use for the refinance of this house.

When I returned the call yesterday, it turned out that the document finalizing my buying out the man I originally bought the house with, signed by us both, is "incomplete" and wasn't notarized correctly. The title company will correct this for me, which will add $100 to the closing costs, or I can have an attorney do it for me and pay whatever fee I'm charged myself.

For the rest of this fascinating  account of me against Big Business, please go to the new blog.

03 January, 2013

Venus Through the Eighth

This is a Spyder test.

Real people please click on the link to read the post, and be thankful I haven't added one of those impossible to decipher read-the-warped-and-twisted-letters things to prove you're not a computer.

02 January, 2013

Mercury Opposed to Saturn Square Neptune

Sorry, but to read all about it, you'll need to go to the new version of this blog (that's a link).

You might want to bookmark it once you're there so you don't keep having to do this.

01 January, 2013

The Beginning and the End

Wow - it worked. Here's good old Janus, the Roman god who looked forwards and backwards at the same time and symbolized transitions and beginnings - about as appropriate as you can get for the first day of a new year, and especially appropriate as this may well be the end of everyday-astrology and the beginning of almost-every-day astrology, a title which may better describe my posting habits and shame me into coming back to this one. 

The question now that I can obsess over for the next couple of hours is where to post the end-of-year wrap-up - here in the old place or there in the new place? I could do it here with another link to the new place, or do it there with a link back to here for anyone curious enough to want to know about my pre almost-everyday-astrology existence, probably the better choice thanks to the information Google has (have?) transferred to the new blog.

 Helpfully, they (it?) picked up all my old profile info, such as it is, but omitted the little bit at the top that says something like "A down-to-earth astrological chronicle in which the blogger... blah blah blah...as above/so below." I readily accept that I am probably the one at fault and not Google, as I picked the simplest possible template I could find other than this that appeared to let me post images, and have not yet even looked at the template layout in any detail.

And as I've now discovered how easy it is to post images to this one - I was doing it two years ago, for god's sake - maybe I'll stick to this one and forget about almost-every-day. 

But I did drink two glasses of water today. 

Mercury Square Chiron

This was two days ago, when I chose (?) to respond to a detailed and lengthy email that had been in my inbox for days from a friend undergoing challenges (so much better than problems) in her relationship.

My relationship history barring me from ever giving advice on the topic, there was not much to do other than acknowledge what a rough time she was having and tell her I hoped she and her partner would be able to work things out, if that was what she wanted.

And this morning - a message from her thanking me for my empathic response. So, according to astrodienst, I guess I got this one right.

"The danger of this influence lies in the intellectualization and "flogging to death" of experiences and situations which actually call for feeling or sympathy."