Holy Cow! I guess not having time to make an entry here since October 28th, day of the enchilada deliveries, is Uranus opposed to Jupiter.
Work picked up right after that, for a start. I have Jupiter in Virgo at the very end of the Fifth, and it turned out YB, the woman I work for and also a friend of 40 years, had the mistaken impression that I didn't want to work (!) and hadn't wanted to "bother me". (English punctuation) Once I pointed out my financial situation (9/11 settlement money all gone, massive, for me, house expenses, having to get a new heater, $2,000 on the tree trimming etc. etc, $1,000 on the old Volvo getting the brake lights to work) we got that straightened out and she began to send me work - MP3 files for me to transcribe into Word and send back. Thank God for the Internet as I can work from home in Silver, and as I never get the super-rush stuff the producers want back before they've sent it I can take breaks and go and wander around outside and water the plants or get in a few logs at a time, or at least I used to be able to, before Uranus opposed Jupiter.
Anyway, after weeks of what seemed like nothing happening, everything exploded: lots of transcribing work, work from an English astrologer I sometimes ghost write for, getting quotes on a new wall heater, getting quotes on the road washing away ($2,800 plus tax? I don't think so. Who with a Twelfth house Sun needs to be connected to the rest of the world ha ha?), driving to Tucson to pick up Randy, a friend, driving him straight back to Silver, deciding to have central heating ((! ) Pluto trine Venus, another Biggie in the Background) installed as it was only (!) $1,000 more than the not very effective wall heater, having it installed meaning three men climbing all over the attic cutting holes in the ceiling and walls for three days, the Canadian publishing house that is good enough to publish my plays asking for a blurb for the last one-act I wrote, Randy building me a broom closet in the kitchen where the old wall heater used to be, much hammering and sawing while I was trying to work, handyman coming and repairing the roof, the Sweet Pea not coming in till 10:00 pm because of all the activity and making me think he was following in the paw prints of his big brother who ran away and joined the circus round about the time of the first pass of Uranus opposing Jupiter, finding people on Craig's List Las Cruces who are willing to rent the house from January to May, 2009, with many emails flying back and forth, taking Randy back to Tucson and realizing it's three and a half hours, not three (he checked in with one minute to spare), driving three and a half hours straight back, friend from Santa Fe arriving same day one hour after I got back, both of us being invited out for lunch by a mutual friend the next day, going out for dinner with friends the night after that, November 15th, SF friend leaving early the day after and finally me leaving for New York that same day, November 16th, driving three hours to El Paso to the airport.
Might not seem like much, but to a country girl....
P.S. Third and final pass of Uranus opposed to Jupiter for me is January 8, 2009. Probably the date I leave Silver when my tenants arrive, if I dare make a prediction. You read it here first.