03 February, 2009

Mars Trine Chiron

This was supposed to make me very energetic and self-assured and give me the chance to act out of character and be met with acceptance. It's been in the works for a few days and I wouldn't say I've been doing anything out of the ordinary. I did go for a walk along the river today but that had more to do with it being 51 degrees instead of 20 than with me feeling especially energetic.

There was definitely a Chironic feel to the day, though, as the woman I work for pointed out a couple of glaring mistakes I had made - or rather, glaring mistakes that I missed and didn't correct - when I proofread a job. It still gives me a pang - less so now than ever before, but still - when my imperfections are pointed out. It's definitely an ongoing Chironic wound - Chiron in Virgo in Six, thank you very much, and one that won't get resolved as long as I do the kind of work I do as it's almost a given I shall continue to make mistakes.

Spanish class tonight I think was the real acting out of character, thank you God thank you Jesus. Last week I got there late as I'd been given an incorrect start time, and was able to hide out in the back row (Natal twelfth house Sun). This week I also got there late as the shuttle from Grand Central to Times Square was on a two rather than three train schedule , so whenever a train did come in, the platform was already ten deep in people. I scuttled around from platform to platform, trying to get near the front when a train did arrive, but once again I was fifteen minutes late when I got to class. The seat I'd been in last week was taken and the only available seat was in the very front of the room. Without hesitation, just as though I had a first house Sun in Leo, I made for the seat, said "Lo siento, el metro," and happily sesented myself.

I usually go bright red if I ever have to speak out in a group, but that's something else that's passing, as well as not wanting to commit hari-kari if I'm told I've made a mistake. The class is Aquarius epitomized and we were all more relaxed than last week, as it's clear the instructors would rather you said something completely incorrect than sit there terrified to open your mouth. We went through an exhaustive vocabulary list and had to say whether el or la was the correct article, and then got divided up into groups with a designated drawer and played Pictionary with much general hilarity and laughter.

When it came time to volunteer to "do" what last week's homework was - say a few sentences in Spanish about a prepared topic - I was one of the few to volunteer and didn't go red until I got applause and laughter (for the right reason) when I'd finished. Got home to an email from my boss saying we can "talk about" my errant ways and so - pale-faced again and Lotrimined - to bed.

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