...and Sun conjunct Uranus, both perfecting at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Quite an easy call, really; Sun (me) conjunct Uranus (the unusual) - i.e., me NOT transcribing for a day - and Mars (action) conjunct Venus (in Aries natally, in Taurus by progression for the past seven years, land, earth, growing things) - and I get to spend the whole day outside digging up more of the lilac bush and transplanting it all around the house, attempting to weed the cactus garden but giving up, digging up many of the little agave shoots coming up in the cactus garden, putting some of them in a bucket to take to Tom and Brenda's tonight and planting the others at the back of the Bermuda Triangle as you come up to the house, bliss, total bliss, really, and nothing else to say about it.
When I saw my sister in Spain last month I asked her if she knew the poem beginning "The kiss of the sun for pardon." She didn't, and I told her the rest of it - "The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth."
I thought it was anon but I saw a poster of it at a yard sale in Silva a couple of weeks ago and it was credited to someone whose name begins with a H. It was on sale for ten cents and being the big spender that I am, I bought it and sent it off to my sister. Haven't heard yet that she got it, but that's not surprising, and there's a return address on it so it will come back to me.
The Sun conjunct Uranus thing - I suppose I could go to Tom and Brenda's tonight and do a belly dance or get in an argument with someone - or, or - Michael Lutin always says if it's Uranus and you think you can predict it, you can't because it's Uranus. I suppose by tomorrow morning I'll know, but having a day off work works for me.
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