05 January, 2012

Mercury Trine Mercury

This will be over in a couple of hours, and as I'm meeting a friend in an hour I'd better get something down in 0es and 1es pronto, she said polyglottily, not that I don't have much faith in myself or anything. Whether it's the title subject, Venus in the 11th or a little break from Saturn opposed to Mercury before it starts to oppose Venus in earnest, today for the first time in weeks I felt halfway alive and able to contemplate a little bit of the future. An email game of Lexulous with my Silver UpWords buddy which I almost won cheered me up more than it probably should have done, but who's judging?

Several more CDs got imported, two more bags of books went to the thrift shop, the last unexplored mystery box on the top of the closet got looked into and a few more morning pages notebooks bit the dust. I think I said on here a couple of days ago that they were first on the list that day for dumping, but that proved to be too optimistic and I've only been doing one a day. The one I picked up today and started to shred turned out to be the 2001 one incorporating 9/11, and that one I couldn't destroy. Couldn't read it, either, but it received a presidential pardon and will be hanging around a bit longer.

The Mercury-ist thing was getting an email from the company that's published several of my plays requesting my signature on the contract they attached which lets them publish *my* work in  .pdf and .ePub formats. Fine by me, I thought, consenting immediately and trying not to listen to the little voice in my head telling me it was academic anyway and could as well be on paper towel for all the difference it will make.  I heard it, but I'm not dwelling on it, choosing instead to focus on whether I'll have a slice with sausage or pepperoni when I go out; I haven't made any new year resolutions, but it's my intention this year to get my priorities straight.

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