01 January, 2013

The Beginning and the End

Wow - it worked. Here's good old Janus, the Roman god who looked forwards and backwards at the same time and symbolized transitions and beginnings - about as appropriate as you can get for the first day of a new year, and especially appropriate as this may well be the end of everyday-astrology and the beginning of almost-every-day astrology, a title which may better describe my posting habits and shame me into coming back to this one. 

The question now that I can obsess over for the next couple of hours is where to post the end-of-year wrap-up - here in the old place or there in the new place? I could do it here with another link to the new place, or do it there with a link back to here for anyone curious enough to want to know about my pre almost-everyday-astrology existence, probably the better choice thanks to the information Google has (have?) transferred to the new blog.

 Helpfully, they (it?) picked up all my old profile info, such as it is, but omitted the little bit at the top that says something like "A down-to-earth astrological chronicle in which the blogger... blah blah blah...as above/so below." I readily accept that I am probably the one at fault and not Google, as I picked the simplest possible template I could find other than this that appeared to let me post images, and have not yet even looked at the template layout in any detail.

And as I've now discovered how easy it is to post images to this one - I was doing it two years ago, for god's sake - maybe I'll stick to this one and forget about almost-every-day. 

But I did drink two glasses of water today. 

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