03 October, 2012

Mercury square Midheaven

If you're going to start posting again after a lapse of - well, let's just say a rather extended lapse - a good day to start would be the day the subject aspect is in effect, no? At least that's what I thought at the time, Monday, October first, but that's already almost four days ago and it didn't happen.

What did happen was that I finally got myself to MVD, New Mexico's answer to New York's DMV, and had the name of the loan company put on the title of the Hyundai, which I may or may not have mentioned on here as being my new car since I smashed up the Volvo at the beginning of August. (I said it was a rather extended lapse.)

I then mailed off the loan papers, mailed a letter to the insurance company telling them the name of the loan company and deposited the loan check at the ATM - all things that could have been done at any time in the past week but weren't as I took to my bed after the loss of Sweet Pea and stayed there for six days.

The loss of Sweet Pea, you ask? Ah, Dear Reader, that will have to be a story for another day, to be filed under either Saturn Opposed to Venus or Pluto Back in Eight. Or both.

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