20 April, 2011

P Midheaven STILL opposing Chiron, and more

I could never see that Chiron had anything to do with sex until I read the previous post and yet another lightbulb in my *understanding* of astrology lit up. Quite where this epiphany leaves me I'm not sure, as my thinking tends more towards believing the reason I found myself *running* my niece's B&B while I was in England and she was in Spain was down to natal Chiron being in Virgo and the P Midheaven opposing it was putting me in my proper place, me loving to serve and all.

Of course, the opposition did also put me in England for a production of a play I wrote, so it wasn't all running off to Asda to stock up on toilet paper for the New York B&Bers. Some of it was going to a rehearsal three nights before opening and being completely stunned by the miscasting, attempts at American accents and the total lack of comprehension of the script by the director, but as she blithely told me when I attempted to suggest a slight change of pace in the actors' galloping delivery, "they've been doing it that way for so long it's too late to change now."

Seeing my mentally handicapped brother, the child of the man staying in Spain at my sister's house and my mother, was as chironic as it can get, thank you very much, and as I'm writing this almost three weeks later I can gloss over it and if I type quickly I won't have to dwell on how heart-breaking it is to see him. And if I type even more quickly and get this sentence out of the way I won't have to think about how I vowed to myself to send him a postcard as soon as I got back to the US and two weeks later have yet to do it.

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