02 May, 2011

Forget About Catching Up - I GIVE Up

Already I've been back from my travels for two weeks and am in full story time, sing-along and playground mode, now with the addition of a tricycle into the mix. The weather has finally begun to change, green is appearing on the trees and there are flowers and blooming shrubs in almost every front yard.

Jupiter to the Sun, my birthday present this year, is over and he's now on the way to Mercury, and if I had my midpoint book here I'd look up what it means to have Jupiter at the midpoint of those two symbols, although why I have to look it up when here I am tapping away at the keyboard and trying to fill in some of the details of the past three weeks I don't know.

So - Jupiter to the Sun had me in England after a week in Spain with my two sisters for the, er, UK premiere of Soldiering On, which was overshadowed slightly in the media by the running of the Grand National in the afternoon. Having seen a rehearsal three days before and been slightly horrified, the only thing to do was put money on State of Play, and thanks to a savvier punter than me I did it each way instead of to win. Don't ask me what that means but the horse came in fourth and I won 46 pounds. This success was followed by winning the raffle at the theatre - a bottle of red wine I promptly gave to my nephew - and then a enthusiastic reception for the play, although of course I have a feeling that ANYTHING that followed Duck Variations would get a rapturous reception. (Lightbulb moment - that description of what I did with the bottle of red wine sets off a little bell in my head, so apologies if I've said it before. Perhaps all of this is repetition and I should stop right now.)

What isn't repetition is that Saturn was square my natal nodes for the duration of this holiday, and I found myself copyediting for four days of the vacation while staying with my family, natal nodes of course in Cancer and Capricorn. Enough - Star Child needs dinner.

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