So at 5:58 pm I go downstairs, having just managed to make my bed for the day, open a beer and see that at 5:50 pm this is one of the finest influences for relaxing and enjoying myself because I probably won't feel like working. With no effort whatsoever I can think of many days in the past when I didn't feel like working and it had nothing to do with Venus sextiling the Moon, but that's another story. I did work today - three hours at the playground on Cambridge Common on the most glorious day we've had so far this year - but the verdict's still out on whether or not that counts as work.
Mars conjunct Mercury had me calling the post office in New York early this morning to try to find out why my mail forwarding order hadn't gone into effect and ending up none the wiser after a conversation with the mail carrier for my building whose first language is of Asian provenance and who would appear not to have a second. I also called Qwest and had all the calling *features* I put on last fall for the house-sitters removed, thus saving $20 a month, and went down $10 a month on cable. Tried another chat with Comcast as we're still getting the "This channel should be available in a moment" message and came to a brick wall when today's chat person wanted exact amount and date of last payment made, which of course I don't know as I'm not Ahma. Having made a note of the last four digits of her SS number, today I was told SS numbers are not part of a client's profile.
Another email from gone missing house sitter and fortunately for her Venus sextile Moon took over again ( "You will find it difficult to feel anger and resentment against anyone") so said my piece and let it go. I am not the slightest bit concerned that nine years of landscaping and plantings is shriveling by the second as I type and my mail is being shuttled around somewhere between here and El Paso.
And in spite of being supposed to stay home and let others come to me (!!!!!), Ahma, Star Child, Big T and me went to Kathmandu Spice for dinner. Instead of joining in the consensus process we usually do to choose from the menu, I took one look, threw it down on the table and said "I'm having the Nepalese Special. You choose the rest, I can't make any decisions." "You just did," said Big T. Nice mix.
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