06 May, 2011

Venus to Sun...

... yesterday, but trumped by Mars to Mercury later today. Yes, it was a pleasant enough day and I ate too much peanut butter for lunch, but when the telly didn't work when we wanted to watch Jon Stewart I did what I've been threatening to do for months and called Comcast. Much pressing of ones and twos and repeating menus because none of them covered what I wanted, but ended up supposedly having a signal sent to reboot the cable box and let us watch Jeopardy.

It didn't happen, and I got myself on to the Comcast chat helpline, pretending to be Ahma and having to ask her for account number, last four digits of SS number, what she had for breakfast three weeks ago etc. Had to enlist Ahma's help for finding cable box serial number and have her say what I was thinking: Don't they know all this stuff? They don't, presumably, but they can tell you where to look to find it.

Stupidly agreed to troubleshoot and did as requested - turn off power for box, unplug, take cable from wall and from cable box, reverse it so that wall end went into box and box end went into wall, plug box back in and turn on again. No result. Began to get very annoyed with poor Teresa at the other end who kept telling me she knew how inconvenient it was for me and how much she appreciated my patience but persevered and watched while she told me she'd detected an error in the box and would send it a signal to reboot itself and solve the problem.

Told her I'd already called in the problem and supposedly that was happening already. Was told she had no notation of my call. Kept my fingers off the keyboard while I counted to ten and told her whether she had a notation of it or not, I had called and a signal had supposedly already been sent. Watched while she told me it would take 30 minutes, told her it had already been much more than 30 minutes and then decided enough was enough and I'd see if we got any of the missing channels back and *chat* again today when Mars will be even closer to Mercury. Over and out, and thank you for your patience.

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