21 September, 2011

Pluto Station? Yet Again, Whatever It Is, Continued

So I went back to Silver to get Sweet Pea two days after I left without him to find a slightly OTT email from the people staying in the house. This was with Pluto almost stationed at 4 Cap 54, opposed to Natal Saturn at 4 Cancer 51 and square Natal Neptune at 4 Libra 42, and Progressed Mercury square Natal Jupiter.

(The ultimate Pluto/Saturn/Neptune manifestation was trying to set up the irrigation system for the plants at the back of the house over Labor Day weekend, when every effort made was thwarted time and time again. IW (Irrigation Woman) had brought the wrong drill, didn't have the right glue, and my all-time favorite, there was a skunk in the well-house firmly ensconced in the insulation exactly where she needed to drill. Animal Control weren't working, they didn't do skunks if they were, and I was in no mood to call Skunk Busters and shell out even more moolah.)

Once again, days have passed since I began to write this, and I have absolutely no idea where I am in trying to record the past couple of weeks. I do know that with Jupiter to the Sun on 9/11,11, just as it was on 9/11/01, thank God, I called my repentant tenants and said I'd be willing to have them come back after I had left with Sweet Pea the next day, assuming they didn't want their $400 for expenses and were willing to tear up the check I'd just written them for the return of the month's rental, me being so big-hearted and all and not wanting to leave the house empty.

I know I got Sweet Pea into his carrier that Monday morning - September 12 - with only a couple of claw marks on my arm and secured the two zips with a baggie twist before carrying him outside and putting him straight into the car. I know my heart stopped as I was checking in at El Paso with him and the American agent told me there's now a form that has to be filled out for taking a pet on board, as this was the first year since I've had him I didn't take him to the vet in Silver and I had no current paperwork for him. Fortunately the agent was so full of apologies for keeping me waiting at the counter while she tried to find the form that when a colleague brought one over to her she rushed through it putting check marks everywhere and didn't ask me any of the questions.

I know when the cab driver didn't know his way to Concord Avenue from the airport in Boston I wondered just how long *this* was going to go on, this coming up against obstacles every step of the way, but then I remembered how I'd thought the Pluto/Saturn opposition would be some kind of nightmarish governmental/bureaucratic entanglement and said a silent Thank you Doorknob as we made yet another U-turn and tried to find Concord Avenue. It was more difficult to give thanks when B, who was taking care of the Volvo for me for the winter, told me its back tire had been slashed by Silver vandals, but hey, it's only money.

I know I went down to New York for the weekend and spent two days in bed, and I know with the Sun trine the Midheaven on Sunday I managed to stay awake and waded through a lot of the paperwork I'd taken down with me, most of which I'd taken out to Silver in May.

And now I know it's Wednesday 9/21, the Sun is closing in on conjuncting Chiron for me, Saturn will be opposing the Sun exactly in six days time, three days ago the transiting South Node went into my first house and I'm back to sleeping in the hallway, and finally finally finally Pluto is moving away from Saturn for me and I'm what passes for being up-to-date with this blog.

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