08 September, 2011

Progressed Mercury Square Jupiter

I've been wondering about this all summer. It perfects next Sunday, 9/11, and I was thinking as I'd be back in Cambridge by then I would go down to New York and be there for the day - the day being the 10th anniversary of 9/11, that fateful Tuesday now so long ago...

How it seemed to manifest was B introducing me to Upwords, a kind of three-dimensional Scrabble easy for a word person to become addicted to, and two or three times a week B and I took ourselves off to one of the local coffee shops after tennis and sat and played one or two games. B beat me almost every time - I think I won twice over the summer - but I managed to persuade a couple of other people to play with me and could usually beat them.

Every now and again I'd go and read a cookbook interpretation of the aspect, and smiled to myself (when I wasn't gnashing my teeth) at "You may consider plans for a significant journey under this aspect." This was when I was attempting to save myself paying American Airlines $150 to put miles back in my account by attempting to fly to England two days after I got to Cambridge. If I could remember what the title of THAT post was you could go and read what happened to that little conceit. Lightbulb moment - I can go and look for it myself and then provide the link. It's only money.

So the reservation to leave for Cambridge is made for the day after Labor Day. B is going to come to El Paso with me and then drive the Volvo back to Silver and keep it for the winter, with any luck eliminating the need for massive repairs every spring by driving it once in a while and not having it sit in the driveway at #14 for the winter.


I would go on with this account, except I'm about to leave for Logan airport to go back to Silver, as Sweet Pea escaped from his carrier as I was loading the car on Tuesday morning and took off for the barn. I made the choice to take the flight anyway, rather than disappoint Star Child who I knew was looking forward to seeing me, and of course once I got to Cambridge realized I had better go back quickly before - well, before any of the things that could happen to him happened.

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