Sheesh! Thing were getting pretty frenzied over the past couple of weeks while Jupiter came within minutes of sextiling natal Mars before retrograding on Monday, but add in transiting Mars sextiling natal Jupiter, perfecting tomorrow, and it starts to get a little bit overwhelming.
I knew my month-to-month tenants were moving in this afternoon (sooner than expected) so spent the morning removing every vestige of me from the addition and dumping it into the dining room or office. I'd just begun to start sewing in earnest and had actually cut out a dress (from a pattern) for Sirjana, but that all had to be packed up and moved from the big persons' room. Clothes had to be moved out of the walk-in closet, New Yorkers removed from the side of the bed and the silly bathroom given a cursory clean.
Round about mid-morning, I had to call Tracfone to add service time as today was my last day. I had tried yesterday to remove my old hacked credit card from my account online and replace it with my new as-yet-unhacked card. Impossible. Failed, failed, failed, was the only message I got when I attempted to pay for my minutes with my new card online, so yesterday I gave up and today made the supreme sacrifice and called the 800 number. No need to go into details, but after an hour on the phone I was told I needed to go a *retail outlet* and buy a card there. And can I use my phone today, I ask. Yes. And can I use my phone tomorrow? I can't answer that, says person from halfway round the world. When you go to a retail outlet and buy a card, that will reactivate your phone and you will then be able to use it again. I know this is not your fault, I say, but this is not a satisfactory outcome and I hope this call is being recorded.
By this time, I was running behind with my scheduled morning's activities, so took off for down-town, impressing myself mightily by dropping a big bag of itemized stuff at the thrift store before it closed at noon. I was then able to proceed to Vicki's for lunch with two women friends, and for the first time ever arrived before either of them did. This convinced me that all plans for the day were going to work out in spite of the Tracfone hurdle, and when lunch was over earlier than I'd expected I decided to go to Walmart and get groceries and the mulch and salt pellets I needed before I picked up A, the student helping me out in the past few weeks. I'd been obsessing since Monday when I sprained my arm or whatever I did over whether I was going to pick him up and have him come to Walmart with me while I was paying him his big $10 an hour, or if there was some way I could go to Walmart without him, get what I needed and then go and pick him up. Once I remembered/realized that the people in the garden center would load the salt pellets and mulch into the car for me, I realized I could go without him
So, on my last day of phone service, having cleverly written down Avery's phone number on a yellow stickie and taken it with me to lunch, I called him, told him I'd be at his house to pick him up around two and took myself off to Walmart to get groceries and the mulch and salt pellets. I got the groceries and paid for them, went to the garden center, bought three bags of mulch and three bags of salt pellets, told them I'd drive the car round for it all to be loaded and promptly took off into town to pick up Avery, remembering only when I was a block from his house that I'd, er, forgotten to pick up the salt pellets and mulch.
With my grandmother's "More haste, less speed" ringing in my ears, I drove Avery back to Walmart, went to the garden center where three bags of salt pellets and three bags of black mulch were sitting on a pallet waiting for me, had them loaded into the Volvo and drove off to 14 Village, arriving a few minutes after my month-to-month tenants. I put Avery to work lugging the 40-pound bags of salt up the well house and got the groceries put away just in time before the man who maintains the well called to say he'd be up in 15 minutes.
I'd called him earlier in the week under the pretext of having a new tenant who needed the functioning of the well explained to him, glossing over the fact I've been in the house for nine years and yet couldn't explain it to new tenant myself. Jimmy was as gracious as most Silver City business owners and waited patiently for me to scribble down every piece of information he gave me about what was the pump (THAT was a revelation), what was the pressure regulator, how you turned off valves that supplied water to the house if there was a leak, what the blue thing down on the floor with a little dial on it was, how you could tell from the outside how much water was in the holding tank (THAT was another revelation), etc. etc. etc. And, glory of glories, when he'd finished and I asked him to send me a bill, he told me there was no charge as I was a good customer, defined, when I thanked him, as anyone who paid a bill on time. Does that have something to do with Jupiter in Virgo, my natal placement, and the two Jupiter-touching transits, me living to serve and be a good girl and all?
Once he'd left it was back to giving Avery tasks, at this point thinking my head was about to come off my shoulders and reminding me once again there is no way on God's earth I could go back to a *real* job. I eventually took Avery back to town an hour early, dropped him off at his house, bought some poor man's Kahlua at Food Casket, filled the gas tank for the trip to Palomas tomorrow, came back to #14 and made myself a big fat drink.
Tomorrow the Mars sextile Jupiter perfects at 23:01, and so far all I have to do is drive to Palomas for a 9:15 appointment to get my three caps, come home, go to knitting, have Scott New Renter help me take the plant table and house plants to the friend who is going to babysit them over the winter, come home and then go for dinner with my renters of two years ago who decamped with two pillows which I now need back and who have said I need not stay long but am very welcome to eat and run. See label.
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