I always thought this meant you'd be striving mightily to achieve something just a bit beyond you, but as all I've done today is take back library books, go to the post office and finish a Noddy dress for Star Child, I'm beginning to revise my opinion; except, of course, I did start the Noddy dress before I even left Silver and have worked on it the past two weekends I've been here (New York), so I suppose to finish it is some kind of accomplishment if you're willing to lower your sights.
Saturn in six is making himself known and probably contributing to my lack of energy. Playing tennis right before I left Silver I injured my right arm in some way, doing something to whatever's in between the elbow and shoulder and diminishing my capacity to lift anything heavy with my right hand, and of course I've done absolutely nothing about it except to think every now and again I should probably get AARP supplemental Medicare insurance. I also caught some kind of cold/cough thing from SC in her second week of school, and neither of us have been able to shake whatever it is. I've been having a nice hot drink of Theraflu every night for the past week but still suddenly break into a hacking cough at intervals throughout the day, as does SC. Add those two ailments together and I'm not feeling on top of the world.
Venus opposed to Venus in a couple of hours isn't helping, although I am about to go out for dinner and can only hope I don't resort to three courses of comfort food. As I'm in New York ha ha the state of my finances will probably preclude stuffing myself. And if it's any emotional comfort, I've just remembered that my Progressed Moon is in an exact conjunction with Pluto as I write (I just checked), so maybe everything I'm feeling is magnified ten-fold (the slowest moving planet wins, metaphysical or not). That does cheer me up a bit as I've been wondering what that aspect might bring since August. Doorknob willing I can get myself downstairs, walk ten blocks, eat something and not encounter the underworld on the way home.
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