12 October, 2011

Venus, Mercury and Sun Opposed to Selves

Okay, so these happened over several days and not all at once, but there's a limit to what you can fit into a title. Saturday was the Venus to Venus, which had me polishing off the rest of the licorice I'd bought at Fairway the week before, and spending time with a woman friend I don't see very often and catching up, or catching up as much as it's possible to do with two hours non-stop talking. We then took ourselves off to the St. Mark's Bookstore now that it may be closing, browsed the shelves for an hour or so and eventually each bought a book, something I can't remember doing for ages except second-hand, pardon my syntax. Interestingly, (well, it is to me), the book I shelled out for was The Best Buddhist Writing of 2011, either a foreshadowing of Pluto about to transit my Ninth or an attempt to get used to bopping backwards and forwards from Cambridge to New York every weekend. I've yet to open it since I bought it but I'll take it back with me on the bus tomorrow and read it then ha ha.

The Mercury opposition - like all the others, six to twelve,  brought a wonderfully symbolic piece of mail from someone incarcerated in Texas - two pieces, actually, waiting at 326 when we all got back from New York. The first was from the prison - ooh, sorry, correctional institution - itself, and was a carbon copy of a form explaining - well, I have no idea what it was explaining, really, but something to do with an inmate using an envelope suspected of being used as contraband (?), and the other was a letter from the suspect inmate, once addressed to the Texan Tenant c/o me but, as the correctional institution had blacked out his name and left only mine, forwarded from Silver to me here in Cambridge. (None of this I knew when, in a frenzy of excitement at receiving hand-written letters, I tore open the envelopes, seeing only that they came from Texas and, if I thought at all, thinking they were from the Texan Tenants themselves.) i am now typing with one hand as sweet pea, who i've been stroking for the past ten minutes, has plonked himself down on my right hand and is purring loudly. as i'm leaving him behind for another four nights, i'm not moving him. this was a fill-in paragraph.

Then we come to Sun opposed to Sun, magnified by last night's full moon smack on top.  Late afternoon brought an email from a friend with a suggested sub-leasee for New York, evening was finger painting (perfect Aries symbolism) with Star Child before she went to bed, and as the full moon perfected and I checked email before I went to bed, a query about the Silver house from the Craigslist posting I forgot to delete when I decided to go with a property management company.

This is taking place with P Mercury literally on the cusp of my second house, entering in a few days time and thank you God thank you Jesus not about to retrograde. Looks as though the Trickster in Two is going to be some variant of commerce and not communication, and maybe my Taurus (real estate) ascendant is kicking in at last.

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