So Ahma and I had a family therapy session on Tuesday morning, with Star Child safely in school. This is with Saturn on the Moon for Ahma and Saturn opposed to Mercury for me - yes, A and I have the Moon and Mercury in opposition natally, and have always managed to annoy each other not quite enough to cause a rift, but along comes Star Child and that no longer applies. I had my own session yesterday morning, Ahma will have an individual session and then we go back to what is essentially couples therapy - funny, really, or it will be in about ten years.
So here it is Saturday, a few hours after the eclipse, with my Saturn opposed to Mercury exact tomorrow (A's S to the Moon was exact the day after our joint session) and there's something almost enjoyable about lying here on my little bed in the hallway in broad daylight with no inclination to do anything else watching Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry in episode after episode of Jeeves and Wooster (with Mercury sextile Neptune) and eating far too much licorice (Venus sextile the Sun).
Looking ahead at transits for next year makes me want to seek out a clinic where I can be put to sleep for twelve months, but I don't think they have any of those, so I'll just take a little nap and watch some Mapp and Lucia when I wake up.
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