31 December, 2011

Mercury Trine The Sun

So let's forget about all the truly nasty stuff going on in the background and focus in on what this blog was once supposed to be about - everyday astrology, and how, if you're obsessed enough, which I haven't been of late, you can experience it playing itself out in your life day by day.  (Of course, to immediately qualify what I just wrote, as usual, I'm aware the background stuff has a huge effect on the everyday stuff, just in case somebody might think I'm not.)

Anyway, as I haven't been posting very often lately (as though I ever did), readers are probably unaware that I lost my camera a week ago when sightseeing with friends who were visiting from Silver. Whether I put it down somewhere in Uniqlo and forgot or had my pocket picked makes no difference; the PowerShot SX110 IS I never really liked because it had way more features than I needed or could understand was gone, and I decided to give myself another Christmas present and get myself an easier-to-operate camera.

Skipping over a week of watching 1940s English black and white movies on YouTube while despairing over my lot (re truly nasty stuff going on in the background, not lost camera), yesterday, as the subject title perfected, found me at the Point and Shoot counter in B&H finalizing my order with Marty for a Sony Cybershot DSC-H70 with 16.1 megapixels and a 10x optical zoom (the only thing the PowerShot had that I really liked).

MARTY: Are you a university professor?
ME: (choking) No, I'm a babysitter.
MARTY: Oh, I thought for sure coming from Cambridge you had something to do with Harvard.
ME: Well, the woman I work for works there.

And with that scintillating scrap of dialog, I can remind myself I'm a playwright and get myself out of here and go over to Colony Music, where I need to get a couple of beginner piano scale and chord books so I can use my other Christmas present. I've got Mercury (the Trickster) square Jupiter this morning.

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