31 March, 2012

Retrograde Mars Sextile Saturn

So since the beginning of February, when the Dramatists Guild announced yet another new makeover of its website and invited its members (I'm one) to go and check it out and construct their own profile pages, every time I made a list I'd write "DG Profile" (and "Re-write Act II JFY" but that's another story).

At some point  since then, in between watching films noir on YouTube and eating soft licorice from Trader Joe's, often at the same time, I started reading "Manifesting Change" by Jim Dooley, on the advice of a friend. One of the few astrologers I know with no belief in reincarnation, I found myself rolling my eyes at great chunks of it, especially in the beginning - all that Louise Haysie (be prepared if you click - it's a scary picture) we choose our parents stuff, but I'm sure Mr. Dooley's mind will be put at rest when he realizes I have no argument with the our-thoughts-create-our-reality business.

Thus began an attempt on my part to remind myself that with two productions of a play behind me, I am indeed entitled to call myself a playwright. (As one production was in New York and the other in London, I could, should I not be me, refer to myself as an international playwright, but considering the people I run into in the course of a day -

NICE OLD LADY IN TRADER JOE'S: She's so adorable. Are you her granny?
ME: (attempting to stick Star Child in the seat of the shopping trolley with the plastic bit to sit on raised so her feet can't get through the holes) No, I'm an international playwright.

- it seems to be going a bit far.)

Anyway, with my professional credentials firmly in mind, I kept on writing "DG Profile" on every to do list I made, carrying it over to a new one as I crossed out the completed items on the older ones (coffee, Half & Half, kitty litter), until this morning when, lo and behold, instead of putting it at the top of the day's list, with retrograde Mars an hour off from sextiling natal Saturn, I scoured through two months of emails till I found the one giving me the new password to get on to the DG site. This led to much cutting and pasting and a lot of frustration until I realized the Guild had added a few extra vowels to my old User Name. Once this was sorted it was a piece of cake to log on (Mars), click on Members Only and then on Edit Profile, where I was greeted with a notice from Saturn-Obey-The-Rules telling me only full members, not lowly associates like me, are allowed to post a profile.

I can, of course, upgrade my membership, and am, in fact, determined to do just that. With "Manifesting Change" on my bedside table, my mindset has changed completely. No more shall I write "DG Profile" at the top of every list I make. It's "Upgrade DG Membership" for me now, and I'll keep on writing it until it's done. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens at the end of April, when Mars is direct and back at the degree it was today.

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