29 March, 2012

Uranus Square Saturn...

...and opposed to Neptune because of a natal Saturn/Neptune square. This is the second pass for me of what will be a total of four by the beginning of next year, and compared to the first pass, last summer, (dare I write this?) this has been relatively shock-free - no trying to rent a car with an expired driver's license, no credit card hacking, no gum surgery and three implants in Mexico, no ravens sitting on the electric pole and frying themselves, (although the power in my room went out for no apparent reason last week, which was a little eerie), none of my deciding I could no longer put up with Sunday night gatherings with the neighbors (several of them elderly).

There have been surprises, like the flight from Boston to New York so I could catch a direct flight to Madrid being cancelled, so I ended up at Heathrow with a six hour wait, after waiting six hours in Boston for the plane that never came and before I waited another six hours in Madrid so I could get a flight to Malaga. I was a little alarmed to find out it was going to cost 60 euros to check one bag the 340 miles from Malaga to Madrid on Iberia, but then on the American flight back to the U.S. there was no charge for the same (second) bag. I already knew my landlord didn't want to renew the lease on my rent-stabilized apartment, but it was on the day Uranus opposed Neptune directly that I was told he (the landlord, not Uranus) was willing to buy me out, or, if I choose, go to litigation and see what mood the judge is in that day.

Neptune was also in the air ha ha as the aspect perfected and twice in four days I left the gas on in the apartment when I went out for the day and Deb wasn't home. The first time the windows were open as it was false alarm spring; the wind must have blown out the flame but the gas drifted harmlessly (no hearses spotted) out on to Fayerweather. The second time the flame stayed on, and at least I know something to watch out for when I get the next go-arounds. I could, of course, buy a small French press and eliminate the problem entirely, but I digress. (The problem, should you be wondering, is keeping the kettle on a very low flame while I pour water through the Melitta filter.)

And Uranus (surprise) unearthed the identities of the FOA underhandedly (Neptune) reading this blog to my then landlady over the *holidays*, when, with Saturn stationed opposite Venus, I was told I was no longer welcome in the hallway. There's been the landlady here thinking I was bringing Star Child's knickers round to wash in the basement, but really, unless I'm having blackouts (never to be discounted) this go-around has been okay. The Saturn Uranus square doesn't perfect till tomorrow, so I shouldn't be counting any little chickens that haven't pecked their way out of the shell yet, but so far so good.

Addendum 3/31/12: The Saturn/Uranus square yesterday brought a phone call from my landlord's attorney, but in true Neptunian fashion, I didn't check messages until 6:00 pm.

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