"An excellent day for starting a new project, particularly one that you can work on by yourself, without having to take orders or coordinate other people's actions..." (interpretation by Astrodienst)
For me, with a natal Mars Uranus square, this followed on the heels of Sun square Uranus the day before. I was leaving on vacation the next day, which meant two loads of laundry in the morning, the last of which was still whizzing around in the dryer in the basement when the downstairs buzzer rang and Deb's landlady appeared, curious about who was doing laundry when Deb was away and the two women upstairs were at work. She seemed particularly curious about the size of my underwear and unable to believe it belonged to me, but I attributed this to her being more than ninety years old and English being her second language; instead of attempting to explain about Walmart's best three for five dollars cotton briefs I stood in the doorway doing a lot of head-nodding and smiling, trying not to think about how late this was going to make my picking up Star Child. My laundry-doing credentials and my ownership of the astonishingly small knickers in the dryer confirmed, I was back upstairs making sure I had keys, phone, glasses etc. to go and pick up S when Amah called to say the cleaners had been unable to get into the apartment at their usual time - 10:00 am - and could I stop off and let them in.
This was, to put it mildly, annoying, as Wednesday, the day the cleaners come every two weeks, is the day I need to get SC home from school, fed, watered, emptied, read to and asleep early enough to wake up naturally so I can plonk her in the stroller and hoof it a mile and a half past Harvard Square to be on time for dance class at 3:15 - difficult enough when the apartment is empty but close to impossible when I can't get access to the kitchen, the vacuum cleaner is going and all the floors are wet. (And yes, I am unashamedly whining about the terrible inconvenience of having people come in to clean.)
I told Amah I usually stopped off at the apartment anyway to drop off my computer so no problem, I'd let them in, which I did, leaving my bag on my old bed in the hallway before going to pick up S and realizing I'd left my reading glasses behind at Fayerweather. Knowing the earliest the crew would be out would be in 90 minutes or so, I decided to take S back to Fayerweather for lunch, pick up my glasses at the same time, and then go back to Concord for S to take a nap in whatever spot was finished and clean.
I decided on this course of action on the way to school pick-up, realizing as I did so the keys to Fayerweather were in my bag on the bed at the apartment, so once I'd picked up S we stopped off at the apartment and I collected my bag, realizing my glasses were in there after all. Telling the cleaners we'd be going out for lunch, off I went again to Fayerweather, SC in tow, very excited at the thought of meeting Sweet Pea and Mini (which is another story altogether). Neither of them, of course, were in sight, but a cheese sandwich and a promise that she could have quiet time on my old bed seemed to make up for it, and off we went again back to the Concord apartment to find the cleaners gone and the big bedroom fully accessible.
In the interests of full disclosure, I have to admit this is being written two and a half weeks after the day it happened and is such old news I'm boring myself stupid with it. If you've read this far, thanks, and stay tuned as I'm now going to pick up my mail from the past two weeks while I was out of the country and see if there's been anything from my landlord's attorney. As Uranus is now squaring Saturn for me again, my guess is there has been.
P.S. I was wrong (again). Nothing in the mail.
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