22 March, 2011

Another Ten Days Vanish

It must be karma, or at least old age: I remember as a child hearing adults talk about how the days and weeks flew by and Christmas came around more quickly every year and they just didn't know what was happening and thinking to myself Oh, you stupid old people, what are you talking about, it takes forever for Christmas to come, and now every time I manage to shake myself out of my torpor and click on the New Post button at least a week has gone by since I last clicked and I have no idea what I did in it.

One good reason for not remembering, of course, is that there's not much to remember. I don't do much other than take care of Star Child during the day, going to sing-a-longs at various and assorted library branches whenever weather permits and to the playground, same condition, even less frequently, as all the playgrounds are, er, outside, and falling into bed at nine at night, with a high spot being walking down to Whole Foods and having lunch in what one of the employees called the dining room when I asked him where the forks were.

So last Saturday, 3/19, when Mars opposed Jupiter and I remembered I'd be leaving for Spain in a week, it suddenly seemed like a good idea to go through the three drawers under my bed and start to figure out what clothes I'd be taking, and when I went to open the one I don't open much and saw the accumulated cat hair under there, it led to getting out the broom and the dustpan and brush and vacuum cleaner and suddenly Ahma was outside in the hallway taking up the mats that the stroller and all our outside shoes have dripped on for the winter and hanging them out on the front porch and I went and got the hardwood floor cleaner and before we knew it we were in full spring cleaning frenzy with Star Child running around wanting to push the magic button on the vacuum that retracts the cord and Sweet Pea, who's been showing definite signs of bravery in the past few weeks, regressing completely and retreating deep into the recesses of what is now known as his closet.

So there you have it, really. Domestic life chugging along quite nicely, Star Child behaving as though she's lived here all her life and becoming more fluent by the hour, and then Mars opposes Jupiter and we have a bit of a spring clean. I need to remember that "May you live in interesting times" is a Chinese curse.

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