01 March, 2011

You Could Conquer the World with This...

... if you weren't me.  Well, maybe not, but with Venus trining Chiron, Sun squaring Uranus and Mars trining Saturn all within an hour of each other late last night, I'd expected a day a little more out of the ordinary than yesterday was.

Once again it was freezing up here (Cambridge). It was pouring with rain and had snowed all day Sunday, so rather than try to make it the mile and a half to the main library for singalong I decided to pretend Star Child was three and a half and turn up for story time at the local branch. I was going on the assumption the children are expected to be quiet when the stories are read, and as Star Child has only just begun to join in at singalong I dared to assume she wouldn't pipe up at story time.

There were no other kids there when we arrived (twenty minutes early, not that I'm eager to get out of the house or anything) but thank God for the play room, and I sat and read to Star Child for a while, then watched her push pandas around in the school bus for five minutes. Still no other kids, and eventually Story Lady approached and asked if we'd like to have a story read just to ourselves (Sun square Uranus?). Of course we did like, and sat and listened through I Know a Hippo, Star Child getting the answers right when asked what two of the other animals were - pig and giraffe. Pretty good, considering the only creatures she's seen in the flesh other than cats and dogs are whatever's in a cage at PetSmart when we go, and most of them are small rodents hiding away in whatever plastic representation of nature they've been given.

Home for lunch at 11:15, I called the AARP Hartford while SC was asleep and reported that once again I couldn't access their website to pay my car insurance and got that sorted out, once again, and apart from watching Mr. Rogers' and Teletubbies' video on YouTube, that was about it for events of the day. Was sorting out the insurance Mars trine Saturn?

As for Venus trine Chiron, me and Ahma have been doing really well for three weeks now and sat together eating baked sweet potatoes and spare ribs while watching Jeopardy! and House. She then disappeared to the bedroom to get SC asleep and I went downstairs and read another two pages of The Facts before falling asleep long before the three aspects perfected. Now that's Everyday Astrology.

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