So I spent yesterday, the day before this, with the bedroom ceiling on the bedroom floor and Mercury sextile the Midheaven and the Ascendant, working away on another copyediting/writing job from the client brought to me by the January solar eclipse smack on my South Node (15 minutes of arc off, to be precise, but close enough for me). Naturally, as my South Node's in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the client is male, and also, naturally, a business man writing a book (natal node is in ninth house of publishing), of course, about business. And since Saturn is currently in Libra, there's been a lot of dancing around to keep him happy, as he changes his mind a lot, emails files containing new material just when I think I've finished and wants the new material inserted into the old without understanding that usually involves a lot of changes elsewhere etc. etc. etc.
Supposedly I had finished the job early last week and sent him off an invoice, but the night before I was due to come down to New York I got one of those emails with a file attached and a rather plaintive call for help. He was adding yet more new information to what was already written, had tried to do it himself, realized it wasn't, er, working very well and asked me to give it the once over and see what I could do.
As I was coming down to New York and was not going to be in Nanny Land, I said I'd work on it on Sunday, which I did, and on Monday too, Mars square Uranus day, up until five pm. By the time I sent the completed rewritten and reorganized file back to him my head was coming off, and when I got an email back asking for some material I'd omitted (deliberately) to be reinserted, I shot off a "Will do, but not tonight" response. Now, of course, I wish I'd checked to see exactly when Mars squared Uranus, but I didn't, so exactly as it DID, I changed my mind, opened the file, stuck the two barely edited paragraphs he'd written into a reasonably okay place in the document and sent the 'revised' file back, feeling only a little bit rebellious. I didn't hear back from him and didn't email to see if he'd received the file till the day after, and got back a "I did, thanks" response.
Now I'm wishing I'd taken the time to fact check and properly edit both paragraphs, feeling guilty about not doing a thorough job and wondering if he can tell how poorly his paragraphs read, not that that's something I can exactly ask him. And just for the record, Mars square Uranus is a natal aspect, and this was one day off my Mars return. Oh well.
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