02 March, 2011

Oh Ye of Little Faith

I'd really given up on anything manifesting around this one, Jupiter trine Pluto. Positive changes in my personal and social world? Rearrange my reading glasses on the shelves in my hallway and go to a different singalong? Exert power? Say No to Star Child when she's sitting in her chair at the coffee table eating and says Sit here, pointing to the carpet next to her? Energies flowing in the direction I want, enabling me to take control in some way? That one did happen, in a stretch, as I finally managed to make contact with the woman I ordered two hula hoops from a month ago and she was good enough to bring them both by the house in the evening. It was much more of a manifestation of Sun conjunct Mars, as the perfection of that aspect had me standing in the office space attempting to keep a hula hoop going around my waist for more than two revolutions.

But Jupiter trine Pluto? Star Child and I made hats out of Whole Foods shopping bags in the morning (P Moon just changed signs to Leo) and then went to meet Ahma for lunch for the first time - was that the change in my social world? And Ahma paid, as she invited us, but I wouldn't call that any great change in my personal wealth.

That old Universe came through though, as it always does. We were home from lunch, SC was asleep, I was seizing the moment to check email and there it was - 9-11 Book Finally Ready!, exclamation point and all,  as the subject line. A friend had told me about the project eight or nine years ago when not a day passed without some aspect of the 9/11 aftermath being mentioned on the news. Dallas knew I'd written a piece about my recollection of the day and suggested I submit it as a contribution to the book, which I did. As mentioned, that was eight or nine years ago, and yesterday, within 15 minutes of the perfection of Jupiter (publishing) trine natal Pluto (death), there was the email announcing the book was finally ready and available for sale. I shall doubt no more.

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