So this perfects tomorrow at noon, and two days ago, Sunday, just happened to be the night I chose earlier in the summer to invite the neighbors over for the Third Annual Little Walnut Hot Dog and Bratwurst Barbecue, with 20 people whooping it up at #14 into the wee hours (well, 9:30) and Sweet Pea cowering somewhere behind one of the outbuildings waiting for everyone to go home. (Super special thanks to Tom for doing the sausage turning and for buying me the new barbecue grill that I didn't really need that he managed to sell to someone else by the end of the whooping it up. And any day now I'll post the image of the gash in my leg, as promised, just for him.)
Yesterday, Sunday, Tennis Partner and I played two sets and then came back here for UpWords as the piano I agreed to babysit six weeks ago was finally due to arrive. It did, in a U-Haul with two men, accompanied by its owner in her car, and after much discussion about gravel driveways and patio steps and calling in reinforcements, the operation was aborted an hour later and the U-Haul left with the piano still in the back, to go to its owner's storage unit. (The deal was not made on a retrograde Mercury.)
Today, with Mars less than a degree away from the North Node conjunction, a couple - friends of one of the neighbors from Saturday night - stopped by to talk about the possibility of their staying in the house for September, thank you God thank you Jesus, and as soon as they had gone, a friend whose sister once lived in this house stopped by to hand on to me from her the original Abstract of Title documents (dating back to 1897) regarding the tract of land on which this house sits, and as far as I'm concerned that's about as close to Mars to the North Node in Cancer as you can get. The visit from the agent from Smith Property Management an hour later to see if the house fit their requirements for listing was a bit of an anti-climax.
I spent the rest of the day in the house going through closets, folding clothes and fabrics, sorting, starting piles for the thrift shop and putting aside all the clothes I brought out with me from Cambridge and never wore in a pile to take back with me. Perhaps tomorrow Mars in Cancer will get me to open the Dripworks catalog Elizabeth left me and start to figure out what I need for the irrigation system. And perhaps not.
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