30 August, 2011

Sun sextile Saturn

As always, this is a great one for getting work done, and now that I'm less than a week away from leaving, there's an awful lot of it to do, so much so that I really *shouldn't* be sitting here keyboarding away.

The Sun sextile Saturn happened on Saturday and manifested as a neighbor and I, with the help of a willing student, doing a lava rock/manure exchange, only the second we've managed this summer. I've barely done anything about landscaping this year, what with Uranus squaring Saturn and opposing Neptune and my driver's license expiring, the car breaking down, credit card being hacked and several trips to Palomas for root canals and gum surgery, and will probably do nothing before I leave, but at least there's a pile of lava rock waiting for me when I do get round to it.

Reading through the above, it's about as interesting as my describing what I had for breakfast, and it would be a better use of my time (and yours) if I went off and attempted to make the Noddy and Big Ears dress for Sirjana I've been saying I'm going to make since I got here. I do get a gold star for hemming two floor length curtains that have needed shortening to window sill height since I put them up five years ago, and am in the middle (again) of a total clear out and throw out of the house. There's a big bag of stuff for the thrift shop, a pile to go up the adobe and a pile for mailing, more commendable than it sounds as when I was playing tennis yesterday (Venus square Uranus) I fell lunging for a ball and messed up whatever muscle is in between the elbow and the shoulder on my right arm. I can move my fingers painlessly but can't raise my arm without holding on to my wrist and picking the arm up, which as I write it seems a little alarming.

However, with Mars square Sun today (and of course, yesterday - perhaps falling wasn't Venus square Uranus, or even more likely, it was a combination) I am on a roll, emptying out drawers, going through file cabinets, making phone calls and trying to plan everything I need to do in the coming week. One thing I'm determined to finish (Finish? I haven't even started) is the Noddy and Big Ears dress, so I'm going to lift my right arm up onto the desk so I can click Publish Post and take myself off to the sewing machine.

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