07 August, 2011

Venus sextile Uranus

I always like this one, especially when it's coming from Venus in Leo in the fourth instead of Venus in Aries in the twelfth, not that I have anything at all to back that up with because when I look back to April 29/30 when the aspect last happened, I have nothing written in my date book at all - no aspects written down and no notes about events of the day. Presumably I was still in recovery from the trip to England and Spain and not interested or organized enough to be checking aspects and writing things down. Should I go back and rewrite that first sentence to make it more truthful? No.

Ignoring the note in my date book to pay the car insurance, I took myself off to Ace Hardware as I'd just received my $5 reward card from them for spending $100. I'd sworn to myself I wouldn't buy any more plants this year, as it's simply too discouraging (and expensive) to buy plants and get them growing in the ground and then go off to New York for the winter and come back to frozen dried-out twigs, which is what usually happens as no house-sitter or tenant can be expected to put the time into watering that I do.

Immediate revision to paragraph above: I'd sworn to myself I would buy only annuals and native plants this year, see last clause of sentence above. I did buy portalucas and vincas soon after getting here, as they're irresistible - cheap, colorful and they last all summer - and I also bought some desert marigolds, artemisia, globe mallows and lavender, mostly native plants and others that do well here. Armed with my five dollar rewards card I took myself off to Ace and bought two Russian sage, another artemisia, a Japanese hollyhock and a clematis, all expensive plants by my standards but all of which I know will do well. Supposedly when you buy five or more plants at Ace there's a ten percent discount, which as it happened did NOT get applied to my invoice so I had to go back in the store and wait while someone voided all the plants, rang them in again and then took the correct discount. It's happened before and I'm on medication.

The aspect really kicked in when I got home to find a totally unexpected message on the machine from J, someone who was very kind to me when I was so terrible at tennis no one wanted to play with me (!), inviting me to dinner with her and her husband that night. Whenever I've seen them socially before it's been in a crowd of people, and much as I like them both there's never been time to really talk and discover how much we really do all like each other. Friday night there was. As I said about the Venus sextile Uranus aspect at the beginning, I always like that one.

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