So I tried to be extra-careful on Tuesday with everything I did and only knocked one of the petunia baskets off the front porch (with a three foot drop to the ground) when I was dragging the hose around watering. And there were only a couple of inches of iced tea left in B's glass that I knocked over when I was helping her stage her house for a showing in the afternoon, plus she was using a plastic tablecloth and the photographs were in a manila envelope and only a few got really soaked, so everything was all right really.
At six I had a consultation planned with someone coming over to give me a quote for putting in a drip system for the plants, as getting them watered is a constant source of aggravation for me when I'm not here (and some people would say when I am, but to *garden* here is a labor of love and the payoff is worth the effort, except of course when I knock the petunias off the front porch).
Consultant took one look and said up front the work involved was far more than she wanted to do, but said she was confident I could do it myself (!), went over the dripworks catalog with me, drew diagrams, told me exactly what I would need and invited me to stop by and see the system she's set up for herself. Go Elizabeth!
That was Mars (action) square Neptune (water), perfecting at 5:00 am on Wednesday, and at 9:56 am on Thursday, as Mars moved on to conjunct natal Saturn (iron), I was outside again dragging the hose around all the different levels of gardens and beds trying valiantly to keep it all alive. I managed to forget the piece of rusty rebar holding some erosion control logs in place and as I stepped over it - actually as I DIDN'T step over it - I put a three inch long gash in my leg as the rebar scraped several layers of skin away. I did exactly the same thing on exactly the same piece of rebar two years ago, and no, I am not going to look to see if Mars was in exactly the same position.
Last time I ignored the gash completely and it eventually became infected. This time I went inside, washed it carefully, put Neosporin all over it, put on gauze pads to protect it and stayed inside for the rest of the day. Is this the way we're supposed to do it, just do it a little bit better every time? This morning, polishing my halo, I put a piece of brass pipe with a solid end over the sticking-up piece of rebar, so next time I bang into it I should just get a nasty crack. And who knows, when I do it again in 2013, I might even pull the piece of rebar right out of the ground. It's not as though, with the pitiful monsoon season we're having, there's any real need for erosion control.
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