29 February, 2012

Sun Square Uranus

For once I thought this was going to be a bust; admittedly I had my wheelie bag out on the dining room table with clothes piled over all the chair backs, which hasn't happened before, but that only was to be expected as in theory, if snow and sleet don't get in the way, I'm leaving tomorrow for Spain.

The bus driver lady was nice enough to pull up on the street to let me and Star Child on as we hoofed it along the pavement to get to the scheduled stop (and swimming) in time, but that wasn't unusual as I've discovered that most bus drivers, male and female, in Cambridge seem to understand what it is to have small children in tow and go out of their way to accommodate the associated adults.

We were the earliest arrivals at swimming, and I had a brief moment of wondering if there wasn't a class and we shouldn't have bothered, but no, all was well, we were just early - unusual and another first, but surely not unusual enough for a Uranus transit. Back to Concord where Amah had readied lots of fresh veggies for a salad for dinner, back to Fayerweather, wheelie bag on the table as already described, but nothing really out of the ordinary that could indicate the presence of the Great Awakener. Admittedly, the aspect didn't perfect till 4:50 am, when I knew I'd be asleep, but still, it felt a bit pitiful even for my current low-key life to have the only Uranian influence in the day to be my eating a radish.

Oh me of little faith, however, as there in my mailbox when I woke up, delayed from yesterday as it had gone to my quarantine folder, was an invitation from Michael Lutin (who-I-have-linked-to-so-many-times-I'm-not-going-to-do-it-again-and-if-you're-reading-an-astrology-blog-and-don't-know-who-he-is-which-is-highly-unlikely-go-and-google-him-immediately) to join his LinkedIn network, an honor (no kidding) I would never have anticipated (no kidding) or dreamed of.

So - a huge sigh of relief - astrology comes through again and all is right with the world. Well, kind of.

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