If you're going to move away from New York City and out of a rent-stabilized apartment on the upper east side that you've had for thirty-eight years, I suppose it would be hard to choose better aspects to do it under than those that I've just had.
To start with, I began in earnest to pack stuff up two weekends ago with Jupiter trine the Midheaven and on a solar eclipse, had transiting Uranus trine Pluto (natally in four) to help me every step of the way, and carried the last bag out twelve hours before that aspect perfected on a lunar eclipse, two days before Venus transited the Sun and three days before Jupiter trined Chiron, not a word of which will make sense to anyone but another astrologer but who cares?
Sweet Pea is curled up behind me purring on the back of the armchair, SC is asleep, the sun is shining and I don't have to spend six hours on a bus going down to New York this weekend because I don't live there any more; I've got big easy healing going on and it feels great.
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