So with this exact I find myself sitting in bed on Sunday morning googling the interpretation of being naked in a dream, except it wasn't just me that was naked, it was my sister and her husband who live in Spain. We were in a car and had tickets, which I think I'd bought, to see a play in the West End, but had to park the car. I had to park the car, to be exact, as I was the driver, and I kept telling the others to take their tickets and go ahead to the theater, while I would follow as soon as I'd found somewhere to park.
This they wouldn't do, and the three of us wandered around - details are very dim here - in what I remember of the layout of the streets in the West End, ending up in a five star hotel where we appeared to be staying where I was able to park the car in the dining room. (Hey, I said it was a dream.)
Then we started asking staff for the way to an elevator so we could go up to our room and dress, and as I write this I remember the room turned out to be an apartment I had just moved in to in New York, a non-existent in reality apartment I dreamt about for years when I DID live in an apartment in New York - oh boy!
And here was I thinking Mars to Chiron manifested yesterday as asking my elderly neighbor, who I could barely tolerate last year when Uranus was squaring Saturn and whose offers for help I turned down many times, to drive me to the house where some of my house plants had been farmed out and help me get back the table they sit on that had also been farmed out. (He's a Virgo, and that's where Chiron sits for me.)
So now, with Sun trining Mars tomorrow morning, I can either sit here in bed and try to figure out the *meaning* of the dream - naked, inadequacies, parking, plays, no thank you - or, no contest, get up, throw on one of my fetching gardening outfits, and continue taking away more of the landscaping I've done in the past ten years which I realize now is totally impractical and ridiculously time-consuming to keep planted in this climate.
With another 95 degree day forecast, it's do it now or tomorrow, and as I'm still holding on to the belief that the monsoons will start at some point this summer, those rocks that used to make a flower bed at the foot of the front steps need picking up, carrying to the back of the house and being turned into a barrier against the water that I think will soon be rushing down the hill. Or not.
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