10 December, 2012

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus, continued

Exact today in a couple of hours, preceded by Jupiter squaring Mars, combined with Mars square the Sun at 10:00 am, Sun square Jupiter just after T Jupiter hits Uranus, and Saturn square Pluto in a couple of days.

Mix all of that up and what do you get - me deciding to have maintenance done on the house, attempting to balance my checkbook - (I know - how quaint is that?), wondering just how long it's going to take the man painting the front steps that were rebuilt last week for only $850 to finish, trying to work out what I'll owe him for the day, hoping he can start and finish painting the well house tomorrow so if the car port people call they can come on Wednesday to put it up, logging in to Emigrant Direct yet again to transfer money for the third day in a row and trying to be very grateful that I have the funds to be able to do what I'm doing.

I could of course paint the front steps and the well house myself, and fully intended to do so, except I've known the well house needed painting since June and I haven't touched it; when I did repaint it myself several years ago all I did was scrape the paint off the lower third of the walls where it was flaking and paint over that bit, not touching the upper two-thirds of the walls (and completely ignoring the east side of it that you can't see from the house).

Knowing that, I knew what kind of job I'd do on the front steps, and when a friend handed me a piece of paper with the name of a reasonably priced handyman looking for work on it, it seemed only reasonable to give him a call and have him start the next day, yesterday, Sunday. God forbid I should give up my Jupiterian (?) freedom to read the Daily Mail and tie myself down to the drudgery of a paint job.

All those man-hours add up though, and rather than benefitting from sudden windfalls I seem to be - cue Saturn squaring Pluto in four, thank you very much - doing the exact opposite and handing out fistfuls of dollars as fast as I can get them transferred from savings to checking.

Looking on the bright side, I have managed to refinance - a boring form of windfall but a windfall just the same as it will save me a chunk of change every month. I haven't done it with pencil and paper yet but a quick in my head calculation tells me the next three years' worth of savings have gone already, and the car port guys haven't even called yet.

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