17 December, 2012

Saturn Square Pluto

Of course this was in effect while Jupiter was conjuncting Uranus, *causing*, I think, all those reverse windfalls when I was handing out fistfuls of dollars to all and sundry, but I came to my senses on the day it perfected and decided to cancel the probably useless skeletal carport I'd ordered, saving myself about a thousand dollars  and making myself feel I could breathe again - kind of getting along with less before I'd even spent it. Or something.

The house looks as though it's in the middle of a junk yard. The  rotting wooden steps that got replaced are piled in the driveway and the useable bits of railing that the builder was going to incorporate into the new structure are strewn around the garden in front of the addition.

The empty cardboard boxes that I cleaned out of the adobe and broke down to take to the dump are on the back patio, soggy now from the recent rain and snow.

The wooden double-shelf thing I made myself as a kind of outside storage unit (!) is there as well, along with whatever bits of old rubbish I threw out of the adobe and the old broken oblong trash container on wheels, all waiting like pitiful rejected Cinderellas for their magic non-existent pick-up to come along and get them to the landfill.

The little wooden cabinet that got repainted is still sitting on the cloth I put down to protect the patio floor, surrounded by all the bits of flaking paint that got scraped off it.

There are about six empty paint cans sitting on the stone wall, along with tins of paint thinner, roller trays, brushes rolled up in Saran wrap, empty plastic bags from Ace Hardware, assorted rags that were once t-shirts - I could go on but that kind of gives you the general idea, and before I depress myself completely I think I'll give it up for the day.

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