07 December, 2012

Jupiter Square Mars

So forget about Sun opposed to Uranus on Saturday when I asked a perfect stranger to join in the game of UpWords I was playing with B (we were in a coffee shop - even I didn't go out on the street and drag him in) and we had a horrible stilted serious game instead of the easy back and forth one we usually have - forget that and let's focus on Jupiter square Mars that I didn't even realize was happening because I'm so focused on Jupiter about to conjunct Uranus I forgot I have a natal Mars/Uranus square.

Now, of course, three days after writing and not posting the above, I've completely lost interest in the whole thing, and can just about summon up the energy to write that on the day J square M perfected, I decided I would bite the bullet and treat myself to a flat screen TV, only to have my credit card rejected by CitiBank, ever vigilant in their quest to prevent me from fraud since my card was hacked twice in a year by, as well as preventing the TV transaction from going through, refusing to let me pump gas in Arizona when I dared to leave New Mexico without alerting them.

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