29 February, 2012

Sun Square Uranus

For once I thought this was going to be a bust; admittedly I had my wheelie bag out on the dining room table with clothes piled over all the chair backs, which hasn't happened before, but that only was to be expected as in theory, if snow and sleet don't get in the way, I'm leaving tomorrow for Spain.

The bus driver lady was nice enough to pull up on the street to let me and Star Child on as we hoofed it along the pavement to get to the scheduled stop (and swimming) in time, but that wasn't unusual as I've discovered that most bus drivers, male and female, in Cambridge seem to understand what it is to have small children in tow and go out of their way to accommodate the associated adults.

We were the earliest arrivals at swimming, and I had a brief moment of wondering if there wasn't a class and we shouldn't have bothered, but no, all was well, we were just early - unusual and another first, but surely not unusual enough for a Uranus transit. Back to Concord where Amah had readied lots of fresh veggies for a salad for dinner, back to Fayerweather, wheelie bag on the table as already described, but nothing really out of the ordinary that could indicate the presence of the Great Awakener. Admittedly, the aspect didn't perfect till 4:50 am, when I knew I'd be asleep, but still, it felt a bit pitiful even for my current low-key life to have the only Uranian influence in the day to be my eating a radish.

Oh me of little faith, however, as there in my mailbox when I woke up, delayed from yesterday as it had gone to my quarantine folder, was an invitation from Michael Lutin (who-I-have-linked-to-so-many-times-I'm-not-going-to-do-it-again-and-if-you're-reading-an-astrology-blog-and-don't-know-who-he-is-which-is-highly-unlikely-go-and-google-him-immediately) to join his LinkedIn network, an honor (no kidding) I would never have anticipated (no kidding) or dreamed of.

So - a huge sigh of relief - astrology comes through again and all is right with the world. Well, kind of.

27 February, 2012

Mercury Sextile the Midheaven....

... and then sextile the Ascendant in a couple of hours, the result of a natal trine between the two. Good for communication, writing letters (writing letters?), making plans, commercial transactions, reaching agreements, mentally alert, eager to meet and see people etc. etc.

First thing in the morning Mercury proves himself again to be the trickster and for only the second time since I've been in Cambridge I find myself behind the wheel of a car, running an errand I've been talking about for months but am doing now at the request of someone else; after that though he shakes off his rulership of cars and neighborhoods and reverts to his more usually referenced state, so I pay a couple of bills, send next month's rent check to New York, make a list of phone calls I need to make, (none of which I do), buy 300 shares of a $3 stock in the advice of my friend the mogul, and then in the afternoon go to the bank and pick up the Euros I ordered last week. Not bad.

26 February, 2012

Chiron Trine Saturn

God knows how you sort this one out from everything else that's going on. I had two goes of this last year, one in early May when I was in Cambridge and one in mid-July in Silver, and had nothing to say about either of them as googling my posts turned up squat. Googling the aspect - Chiron trine Saturn - turned up 461,000 results (in 0.27 seconds), each one presumably with a different cookbook manifestation, only three of which I clicked on. The last of those three, however, turned out to be a gem of a site, Astro Library, where I spent a happy hour poking around before remembering I was supposed to be doing this.

So, from their site to God's eyes (it's Sunday), here's their interpretation, long may it reign...

"Doors seem to open more easily now enabling you to express your true talents in a responsible and worthwhile manner. As long as you put in the hours and the effort then opportunities arise for you to achieve your true purpose. At this time more than any other you seem to be able to overcome fears, which previously stood in your way. You have the wisdom to know which activities will further your purposes and which will hinder them, and the opportunities to make choices."

....or at least till November l5 of this year when I get the fourth and final hit. Last Sunday, February 19, was the third time the aspect perfected, and I was flat on my back in bed slurping Theraflu for the second day in a row on one of my fun-filled New York City weekend breaks. Mercury square Uranus and Sun sextile Venus went unnoticed, lost in a medicated haze, although come to think of it I was reading The Masters of Sitcom, an early birthday present to myself, in any moments of consciousness - unnoticed, maybe, but manifesting away as uncannily accurately at usual. 

As far as Astro Library's interpretation goes, I have indeed been trying to overcome my perceived lifelong inability to write prose (as opposed to the ease with which sparkling dialogue flows from my keyboard through the printer and out onto three-hole-punched paper) by using posts on here as practice, and now that I've discovered Dashboard Stats and realized people other than Tom, YB and Amah's little friends must be reading this, (unless of course Amah has thousands more little friends than I'm aware of), there's actually an incentive to post more and more often and get even more practice, until the glorious day I think I'm good enough to submit something somewhere for - gasp - payment. 

In the meantime, having cleverly cut and pasted the quote from Astro Library, I'm now unable to get myself back into the font and single-spaced style I usually use. If style preferences exist, I can't find them, and he only way I can figure out to do it is to cut and paste a couple of words from the correctly formatted first paragraph into the third and then start to retype everything from inside the pasted words to pick up on the format I want - truly pitiful, and much too much work for a Sunday, Chiron trine Saturn and having to put in the effort or not.

23 February, 2012

Transiting South Node Conjunct Uranus in First

Well, if the nodes represent people and the south one - the one where there's supposedly nothing there for us - is currently in Gemini, natural ruler of the Third house and neighborhoods, perhaps that explains why I felt at such a loss yesterday, Wednesday, when I walked out of the post office after sending off presents for Lula and Lila, the Return Receipt Requested letter to my landlord's attorney and my financial information for last year to the man who does my taxes. It was a beautiful day, temperature somewhere in the fifties, and still light, and I realized I had nowhere to go and no one to go there with and had absolutely no idea what to do with myself.

It had already been an unsettling day. With Star Child off from school, reinforcements had had to be called in so Ahma and I could go to counseling, but those reinforcements had taken Star Child off to lunch after caring for her for the morning, and I'd already spent two and a half hours twiddling my thumbs waiting for SC to be brought home. If I'd known that was going to happen, I wouldn't have gone back to Concord Avenue after counseling but would have returned to Fayerweather and made a start on my taxes, but never mind. At least I was able to get on the phone with Tracfone and sort out why my phone was in emergency mode and couldn't be used, so looking on the bright side it was only a waste of two hours, not two and a half.

But that feeling, leaving the post office, of being a fish out of water made me uncomfortable, to say the least. God knows it's not as if I've ever felt I belong here or anything, but this was a complete Stranger in a Strange Land OMG what shall I do with myself now feeling - nasty. The only thing I could think of doing, knowing the Concord Avenue set were going out for the evening, was going round there and playing Poke with Sweet Pea, and that backfired spectacularly as they were still there when I got there and I found out a couple of friends were coming by to pick them up. It felt a little as I imagine torture on the rack must feel to know I'd have to comport myself in front of two strangers, but there was no time to escape as the doorbell rang as I was being told they were coming.

Fortunately Star Child, as usual was the center of attention, and I'd like to think my mumbled "nice to meet you" as I wished oh so originally that the floor would open up beneath me sounded reasonably natural to them, and not as awkward and gawky as I felt it must.

This dies horribilis was very short-lived, the day the aspect was exact, to be precise; nothing leading up to it that I could identify and nothing today, the day after. Star Child and I took ourselves off to the Fresh Ponds Mall this morning and while I'll never feel like a Cambridge native I pushed my cart round Trader Joes with the best of them.

Should anyone among my vast readership have ever experienced this transit, I'd be very interested to know how it manifested. Thank God I'll be dead before it comes around again - and that's from someone who's had Saturn stationed opposite Venus for weeks.

Venus Conjunct Sun

Once again the cookbook interpretations - even the good ones like Astrodienst - have nothing whatsoever to do with what actually happened; forget about feeling affectionate and sociable and having the magnetism of this influence draw other people to me, making me more popular than usual, probably more so with men than with women ha ha.

Nope, all I was interested in was sugar, so after more than a week of ignoring the chocolate coated saucepan and wooden spoon that had been sitting on the stove since the Valentine's Day strawberries dipped in chocolate dessert, this was the day I chose to melt it down, have a couple of good licks of the spoon and not content with that, take a couple of cubes of the crystallized ginger I'd also been able to previously ignore that were sitting out on the counter, cut them into little slivers, drop them in the melted chocolate and see what THAT tasted like (disgusting, should you be tempted to try it yourself), before the whole lot went down the garbage disposal and Amah came home to ask what happened to the chocolate.

So - for all of her little friends who I now know are eagerly reading this blog to pass on to her any tidbits they can glean of my evil and malicious doings, please tell her of the chocolate covered crystallized ginger experiment as I was too deceitful, dishonest, unscrupulous and wicked to tell her myself. Affectionate? Me?

20 February, 2012

Retrograde Mars Conjunct Jupiter

If this were an exact record of how astrology plays itself out in my everyday life I'd be able to go back to December 29 of last year and see what I posted for the day Mars conjuncted Jupiter on its/his direct way forward. As it isn't, and there's no post at all for that day, I can only assume it's a case of "the slowest moving planet won" and, with Saturn stationed opposed to Venus at that time, I was down in New York (where I am now) pondering my expulsion from the hallway, getting ready to sublet and wondering whether I should take my set of Chinese Checkers back up to Cambridge or not. (For any interested parties, I took the tin board but the colored play pieces are still down here.)

Last Thursday, 2/16, however, was a different story, and I was confident enough to announce my plans for the day to my roomie/landlady/NBFD - two loads of laundry in the morning, trip to the shops for Vermont White Cheddar and cheese straws in the afternoon, come over and have one and meet Sweet Pea while you're at it. (Sweet Pea, unbeknownst to himself, is coming to live with roomie/landlady/NBFD, me and Ms. Min as of this coming Friday, permission having been granted by my landlady's landlady for him to do so as the humans with whom he currently lives will be away for the first two weeks of March.)

The invitation to meet Sweet Pea was, of course, tongue in cheek, as he has only to hear the downstairs door-bell to open - by himself - the closet door that's been closed by me to cut off his escape route and wiggle and worm his way past all the cardboard boxes back to the far reaches of the space behind the bookshelves, but it was well-intentioned if fruitless, and Deb was thoughtful enough to bring along one of Ms. Min's toys so he could get used to the smell of her, which - aarrgghh!!!! - reminds me that the sole reason for me coming down here this weekend was to take Sweet Pea's little rug and shaggy toilet cover thingie that he used to sleep on back up to Cambridge so Ms. Min can get used to the smell of Sweet Pea.

Realizing that this post has gone off-track even more than usual, it's the ladder in the kitchen for me and a quick re-pack.

19 February, 2012

Venus Opposed to Neptune & Square Saturn...

...and Mercury sextile Mercury, perfecting one after the other in the early hours of Sunday morning. I had three *goals* for the day - rewrite one of the last scenes of Just For You and then submit it to The Athena Project (deadline midnight), set up my Dramatists Guild web page, and do my taxes, the first of which being the only one with any chance whatsoever of getting accomplished as the other two had no deadline.

As it's now Sunday 2/19, there seems little point in going on with this, other than to mention Mercury sextile Mercury turned into skyping and being skyped by distant friends for hours before Saturn finally reared his grizzled head and I began to write the cover letter for the Athena Project submission.

What would I like to accomplish by this workshop production of Just For You? Finding out if I should just move back to England and be done with it, was the short answer, but something told me the Selection Committee would understand that about as well as they'd understand the play, so for about four hours I alternated between elaborating on that theme in Word and watching Night Editor on YouTube.

By 11:30 I'd had as much tortured prose as I could handle and decided there was nothing else I could do to improve the letter. Off went the required documents: copy of play with no contact info - check: character breakdown with no contact info - check: 300 word synopsis with no contact info - check: resume with contact info - check, and cover letter with contact info - check and hit submit, only to be presented with Saturn personified -"The deadline for this submission has ended. If you feel you have received this information in error, please contact the theater directly."

Fortunately for us all, even Saturn makes mistakes (or should that be "fortunately for me, even Saturn makes mistakes as he's in direct square with Neptune for me"?), and an immediate email to the theater resulted in a "Oops, sorry" and a successful submission five hours later. Whether I move back to the UK or not has yet to be resolved.

10 February, 2012

Full Moon in Five

"In Five" are the keywords here. With Mercury and the Sun sextile the Sun, Mercury conjunct the Moon in the evening and the Sun conjunct the Moon in the early hours of Wednesday, with the full Moon trining the Sun, I was expecting some kind of news about my attempted refinance, this being only slightly unrealistic as I was yet to fax the requested documentation.

What did happen was that I had a lot more contact with children than I usually do. Of course there's Star Child every day, but on Tuesday when we took the bus to Harvard Square to begin the trek to swimming one of her schoolmates with his babysitter boarded two stops after we did. I, of course, didn't notice, being far too pre-occupied with making sure all gloves, mittens, hats and scarves stayed within our vicinity and telling her not to put her feet on the seat, and neither did his babysitter, but SC was the one to point out who had just walked past us and plonked themselves on the back seat.

When we got off at last stop Harvard Square SC wanted to know if L was going swimming too, but no, he was off to woodworking, and his babysitter was overjoyed to see us as she'd gone out without her wallet. Evidently the bus driver had children of his own and had cheerfully waved her on to the bus, but getting into the T station would have been a bit more difficult. Understanding her predicament only too well (I had once ordered two ice cream cones in Lizzy's before realizing Star Child had emptied my bag onto the bed before we left the house and not put everything back), I was happy to shell over some moolah, and was given the rare (for me) Fifth House opportunity of being noble and generous by being able to offer $5 instead of the requested $2.

The four of us piled on to the inbound Red Line and gave other passengers a graphic illustration of the difference between UK and US attitudes towards children; SC sat on my lap and L sat on the seat next to us while his BS stood. Thinking they were also getting off at Park, I let down my usual Stranger In A Strange Land station-counting guard and lost myself in doling out an ur-Cambridge snack of carrots and radishes to both kids, getting SC to blow her nose in a tissue every two minutes and making sure I put my Charlie Card back where I'd be able to find it for the return trip, only to discover they were NOT getting off at the same stop, leading to a hasty radish-scattering exit by me and SC just as the doors were about to close.

We got to swimming on time, SC managed four strokes unaided for the first time, and on the reverse journey I ended up (with SC on my lap) sitting next to one of the almost-five-year-old twins in her class, with the other one sitting opposite and their BS, with their younger sister and a stroller (thank you god thank you jesus for having only one child to take care of), in the next car. Although we've smiled and waved and nodded for the past two weeks, I have never entered into conversation with these children, but thanks perhaps to Gemini-ruled Mercury sitting on my Moon we had an animated conversation, the beginning of which follows, until they got off at Copley.

TWIN SITTING OPPOSITE: Stamps aren't for adults.
What is it?
TSNTM: A dinosaur.
ME: Of course.
TWIN SITTING OPPOSITE: Would you like to come to my birthday party?
ME: Thank you, but I haven't been invited.
TSNTM: Would she like a stamp?
TSO: I'll send you a card.
ME, TO SC: Would you like a stamp?
SC: Yes.
ME: Please.
SC: Yes please.
SC: What is it?
ME: A dinosaur.
TSO: You can bring me a present.
TSNTM: Would you like a stamp on your other hand?

And so on.
My relationship with the twins now well-established, I shall soon be writing to Peggy Post in The Times asking exactly how many times I should meet L's babysitter at school pick-up before asking for my $5 back.

07 February, 2012

Astrologer, Heal Thyself

So with a spectacularly poor sense of timing I choose yesterday - the day before the Saturn station opposing natal Venus - to initiate the refinancing of the house in Silver, and after four hours sleep I was wide awake at 5 am printing out the document requirements and page upon page of forms to be filled in and faxed back in less than 36 hours.

And what do I see on Michael Lutin's Daily Fix? "The Station of Saturn - STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING STUPID." As George S. Kaufman immortally said, in response to some poor long-winded soul attempting to sum up whatever anecdote he was trying to tell by saying "to make a long story short," - "Too late."

If I send in the application it will very probably be denied, as the underwriters want nit-picking documentation like W2s and proof of employment when I am living mostly on savings, and God only knows how many addresses will pop up for me if they do a search, what with the apartment I'm being evicted from, the hallway I've already been evicted from and now the place around the corner. Letter of Explanation, indeed.

If I don't go ahead and decide not to pursue the refinance, I forfeit the $500 I've had to put up as a deposit on the closing costs, so basically I'm screwed whatever I do, a situation I'm rapidly beginning to accept as the norm as 2012 unfolds in all its glory.

I am, of course, blameless, and can attribute the ability to make the initial phone call (which I've been thinking about doing for at least six months) on Jupiter sextile Saturn, which enabled me this past weekend to spread out every single piece of paper in my possession on the dining room table (yes! there's a dining room table here - and a table in the kitchen!), scrutinize each piece and file each away somewhere whence I may even be able to retrieve the piece when needed, assuming I can remember what each piece was filed under. Even Jupiter sextile Saturn wasn't enough to set up a cross-filing system.

And  now it's time again for *counseling,* in the course of which I shall tell counselor that really and truly I don't see anything wrong with being unhappy once in a while - if I can stop crying long enough, that is. Ha ha.

06 February, 2012

Review of the Week, Short Version

Okay, so this ground to a halt last Sunday afternoon as I wondered whether to leave my 60th Anniversary Waring Blender that I bought in the olden days when I had a well-paying job in my wheelie bag or take it out again and put it back in the kitchen cabinet, a weighty (!!!) decision that I eventually solved by leaving the blender exactly where it was and bringing it back to Cambridge, where I unloaded it the next day and put it in my landlady's pantry next to her not-60th-Anniversary Waring blender. You just never know when you're going to want a blueberry smoothie and your landlady wants a strawberry one.

That dilemma solved, it was off to counseling on Tuesday morning with Mercury trine Pluto, where I sat with tears streaming down my cheeks and was somewhat startled to hear the therapist ask me when was the last time I was happy. It seemed to me perfectly natural to be crying, what with being turned out of my hallway, paying more than I pay for my apartment for one room, not being able to have my cat with me, the sublet I thought was going to allow me to save some money this year not going through and my landlord now refusing to renew my lease, but obviously I was wrong and what I need to do is seek out temporary counseling just for myself and get my medication readjusted.

On hearing that, I blew all further credibility with her by saying she was free to roll her eyes but I happened to be convinced of the viability of astrology and was merely an example of As Above, So Below, and as soon as Saturn stopped stationing opposite my Venus I would no longer feel emotionally isolated and as though I had not a friend in the world, and thank you very much but I'd just as soon pass on individual therapy and even more medication.

So tomorrow - as already a week has passed since then but I've been crying so much I couldn't see the keyboard - I shall paste a big smile on my face and tell her it's the last day of the Saturn station and I'm already feeling much better, and I'm sure, with a full moon opposed to mine coming up that night, everything is going to be fine fine fine.

02 February, 2012

Mercury trine Neptune

I was in a dreamy mood all right on Sunday, dreaming of a pumpernickel bagel with salted butter, and after two days of prostration pondering my fate enough energy returned to get me to Fairway, a whole three blocks away, to fulfill my dream. With that major goal accomplished, and a second buttered bagel packed away for the bus ride, the rest of the day degenerated into wondering what exactly to take back to Cambridge with me that night, with the supposedly upcoming sublet in serious doubt, what with the landlord refusing to renew my lease and all.

After numerous re-reads of the above paragraph, much (metaphorical) head scratching, a lot of (literal) typing and deleting and the passing of the first two days of February, the above shall be the only post for Sunday, January 29.