23 February, 2012

Venus Conjunct Sun

Once again the cookbook interpretations - even the good ones like Astrodienst - have nothing whatsoever to do with what actually happened; forget about feeling affectionate and sociable and having the magnetism of this influence draw other people to me, making me more popular than usual, probably more so with men than with women ha ha.

Nope, all I was interested in was sugar, so after more than a week of ignoring the chocolate coated saucepan and wooden spoon that had been sitting on the stove since the Valentine's Day strawberries dipped in chocolate dessert, this was the day I chose to melt it down, have a couple of good licks of the spoon and not content with that, take a couple of cubes of the crystallized ginger I'd also been able to previously ignore that were sitting out on the counter, cut them into little slivers, drop them in the melted chocolate and see what THAT tasted like (disgusting, should you be tempted to try it yourself), before the whole lot went down the garbage disposal and Amah came home to ask what happened to the chocolate.

So - for all of her little friends who I now know are eagerly reading this blog to pass on to her any tidbits they can glean of my evil and malicious doings, please tell her of the chocolate covered crystallized ginger experiment as I was too deceitful, dishonest, unscrupulous and wicked to tell her myself. Affectionate? Me?

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