26 February, 2012

Chiron Trine Saturn

God knows how you sort this one out from everything else that's going on. I had two goes of this last year, one in early May when I was in Cambridge and one in mid-July in Silver, and had nothing to say about either of them as googling my posts turned up squat. Googling the aspect - Chiron trine Saturn - turned up 461,000 results (in 0.27 seconds), each one presumably with a different cookbook manifestation, only three of which I clicked on. The last of those three, however, turned out to be a gem of a site, Astro Library, where I spent a happy hour poking around before remembering I was supposed to be doing this.

So, from their site to God's eyes (it's Sunday), here's their interpretation, long may it reign...

"Doors seem to open more easily now enabling you to express your true talents in a responsible and worthwhile manner. As long as you put in the hours and the effort then opportunities arise for you to achieve your true purpose. At this time more than any other you seem to be able to overcome fears, which previously stood in your way. You have the wisdom to know which activities will further your purposes and which will hinder them, and the opportunities to make choices."

....or at least till November l5 of this year when I get the fourth and final hit. Last Sunday, February 19, was the third time the aspect perfected, and I was flat on my back in bed slurping Theraflu for the second day in a row on one of my fun-filled New York City weekend breaks. Mercury square Uranus and Sun sextile Venus went unnoticed, lost in a medicated haze, although come to think of it I was reading The Masters of Sitcom, an early birthday present to myself, in any moments of consciousness - unnoticed, maybe, but manifesting away as uncannily accurately at usual. 

As far as Astro Library's interpretation goes, I have indeed been trying to overcome my perceived lifelong inability to write prose (as opposed to the ease with which sparkling dialogue flows from my keyboard through the printer and out onto three-hole-punched paper) by using posts on here as practice, and now that I've discovered Dashboard Stats and realized people other than Tom, YB and Amah's little friends must be reading this, (unless of course Amah has thousands more little friends than I'm aware of), there's actually an incentive to post more and more often and get even more practice, until the glorious day I think I'm good enough to submit something somewhere for - gasp - payment. 

In the meantime, having cleverly cut and pasted the quote from Astro Library, I'm now unable to get myself back into the font and single-spaced style I usually use. If style preferences exist, I can't find them, and he only way I can figure out to do it is to cut and paste a couple of words from the correctly formatted first paragraph into the third and then start to retype everything from inside the pasted words to pick up on the format I want - truly pitiful, and much too much work for a Sunday, Chiron trine Saturn and having to put in the effort or not.

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