27 February, 2012

Mercury Sextile the Midheaven....

... and then sextile the Ascendant in a couple of hours, the result of a natal trine between the two. Good for communication, writing letters (writing letters?), making plans, commercial transactions, reaching agreements, mentally alert, eager to meet and see people etc. etc.

First thing in the morning Mercury proves himself again to be the trickster and for only the second time since I've been in Cambridge I find myself behind the wheel of a car, running an errand I've been talking about for months but am doing now at the request of someone else; after that though he shakes off his rulership of cars and neighborhoods and reverts to his more usually referenced state, so I pay a couple of bills, send next month's rent check to New York, make a list of phone calls I need to make, (none of which I do), buy 300 shares of a $3 stock in the advice of my friend the mogul, and then in the afternoon go to the bank and pick up the Euros I ordered last week. Not bad.

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