20 February, 2012

Retrograde Mars Conjunct Jupiter

If this were an exact record of how astrology plays itself out in my everyday life I'd be able to go back to December 29 of last year and see what I posted for the day Mars conjuncted Jupiter on its/his direct way forward. As it isn't, and there's no post at all for that day, I can only assume it's a case of "the slowest moving planet won" and, with Saturn stationed opposed to Venus at that time, I was down in New York (where I am now) pondering my expulsion from the hallway, getting ready to sublet and wondering whether I should take my set of Chinese Checkers back up to Cambridge or not. (For any interested parties, I took the tin board but the colored play pieces are still down here.)

Last Thursday, 2/16, however, was a different story, and I was confident enough to announce my plans for the day to my roomie/landlady/NBFD - two loads of laundry in the morning, trip to the shops for Vermont White Cheddar and cheese straws in the afternoon, come over and have one and meet Sweet Pea while you're at it. (Sweet Pea, unbeknownst to himself, is coming to live with roomie/landlady/NBFD, me and Ms. Min as of this coming Friday, permission having been granted by my landlady's landlady for him to do so as the humans with whom he currently lives will be away for the first two weeks of March.)

The invitation to meet Sweet Pea was, of course, tongue in cheek, as he has only to hear the downstairs door-bell to open - by himself - the closet door that's been closed by me to cut off his escape route and wiggle and worm his way past all the cardboard boxes back to the far reaches of the space behind the bookshelves, but it was well-intentioned if fruitless, and Deb was thoughtful enough to bring along one of Ms. Min's toys so he could get used to the smell of her, which - aarrgghh!!!! - reminds me that the sole reason for me coming down here this weekend was to take Sweet Pea's little rug and shaggy toilet cover thingie that he used to sleep on back up to Cambridge so Ms. Min can get used to the smell of Sweet Pea.

Realizing that this post has gone off-track even more than usual, it's the ladder in the kitchen for me and a quick re-pack.


  1. Love your posts, even though I don't understand 90 percent of what you're saying (and it's not just the astrology!)

    Especially love when you put in dialogue...more, please, everyday fly-on-the-wall lines juxtaposed w/what's above as reflected here - which is still feeling like below to me...hopefully to pass someday.

    Miss you!

    1. Moi - c'est toi?
      Quelle surprise.

      >>>>>>I don't understand 90 percent of what you're saying (and it's not just the astrology!)

      Read it slowly then.
      And we are below - you mean you feel like as below, so below?
      Miss you too -
