24 May, 2012

Mercury Trine Chiron

Oh good, nothing I want more than the chance "to develop a deeper understanding of those psychological areas that are connected with the experience of pain, suffering and rejection" (Astrodienst again) - I haven't had quite enough of that this year yet

I did get another dose, though, yesterday, after visiting the country house and garden where Those Who Cannot Be Named For Fear Of Violating Their Privacy spend their weekends and, presumably helped along by the transiting south node in Gemini in *my* first house, feeling anew that there's nowhere in the Bay State where I shall ever feel that I belong. Should I be optimistic and insert "so far" between "State" and "where"? (Not a bad idea, as I rented a 10' x 5' storage space for my New York belongings five minutes from said house yesterday ha ha.)

It was left to a four-year-old, however, to twist the knife after it had been thrust in. Riding back to Bean Town, she was asked to keep her voice down to spare my trauma victim hearing, usually referenced (and then by me) only when I'm in a room with a television and a commercial comes on.  "Why?" she said. "It's not her car." 

Talk about out of the mouths of babes and pre-kindergartners; my current life in a nutshell - it's not my anything. Sheesh. It's a very good thing I have some understanding of astrology and know that this too shall pass. (And speaking of astrology, isn't Gemini small children?)

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