So for the everyday bit, Mercury conjuncted Venus and when SC woke up from her nap she did NOT immediately say "Can I have a video?" but instead sat on my lap for an hour and we looked at the Peppa Pig book I got her for her birthday. The Sun trined Jupiter and with astonishing forethought and planning I brought SC to Deb's for lunch, rather than standing at the foot of the stairs on Concord waiting for the cleaning crew to mop their way down, and in yet another remarkable coincidence, the Subject Title transit begins just as I book my ticket to take the dreaded five-hour journey down to New York to continue throwing out thirty-eight years' worth of possessions.
"A time of positive evolution in my life," says Astrodienst - when I can "make constructive changes that will make my life worthwhile later on." Certainly not shelling out money month after month for a space I'm never in would be a welcome constructive change, but all I really wanted to do was sublet for two years and then move back in, she said plaintively.
It's all very well to say it's going to lead to a "new and greater understanding of my inner being and how I relate to other people" and make me "more involved with my life, its total meaning to me and how I fit into the universe as a whole," but I have more immediate concerns; how do I get two six foot bookcases and a console table weighing about a hundred pounds down two flights of stairs for trash night tomorrow, and am I really going to part with every book I own?
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